“A parent who raises educated children becomes an honorable person”...

At Samarkand State University, a meeting was held with talented students studying in the 2nd year of the Institute of Engineering Physics, faculties of philology, history, mathematics, geography and ecology, intelligent systems and computer technology, and their parents.
Parents visited the faculties where their children study. They got acquainted with the activities of educational processes, laboratories, libraries, and museums. We inspected the conditions in lecture halls, kitchens and bedrooms.
A film created according to the idea of the rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Halmuradov was presented to the attention of parents.
The film shows how an ordinary family achieved excellent results in the education of their children. This film impressed the participants of the event.
After the screening of the film, Rector of Samarkand State University Rustam Khalmuradov talked with parents and talked about the importance of learning foreign languages, the role of parents in raising children, the conditions created for students, their achievements and shortcomings.
“I studied at the Faculty of Mathematics of Samarkand State University,” says Abdumadzhid Davirov. - I was surprised to see my favorite university today. Have there really been so many changes? It is impossible to compare the conditions under which we studied and the current conditions. Today I am doubly happy. My daughter Adiba is a talented student at the Engineering Physics Institute, and today I received a letter of gratitude for this. Every parent is pleased to hear gratitude from their child. I familiarized myself in detail with the work of the Institute of Engineering Physics. I am confident that the conditions of foreign universities that we see through social networks will not be left behind. Thanks to the president, he is creating endless opportunities for our children. To justify this, our children must work tirelessly...
“In 2023, my daughter Marzhona was accepted to study at the Faculty of Philology of Samara State University on the basis of a state grant,” says Zebo Khamroeva. - Today I was pleased to hear that she is one of the talented students. I am grateful to the rector of Samarkand State University. A special group was organized for our children and their studies were monitored separately. The film was shown at the meeting and I was impressed by it. This was an example for students and parents. From today I again take responsibility for my child's education...
- Since my son Alisher is interested in programming, he entered SamSU at the Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Computer Technologies. Seeing the conditions created today at the faculty, I envied our children,” says Bobur Malikov. - There is a real scientific atmosphere at the faculty. It has modern, comfortable classrooms. I was glad to see the IT center. Today's meeting was useful for parents. When I heard about the life of Sindar Poochai from India, one of the characters in the film, I admired his father. Thanks to his investment in his child, today he is one of the happiest fathers in the world, I admire him. We are ready to cooperate with the university for a better education for our children.
- My mother came to today’s meeting. I introduced her to the environment of the faculty and university. “I showed the conditions of the hostel in which I live,” says Mushtariybegim Ismailova, a student of the Faculty of Philology of Samara State University. - Mom repeatedly tells me that I just need to study well...
Information service of Samarkand State University,
Photos were taken by Shavkat Akramov.