Samarkand State University was visited by a delegation led by the rector of the National University of South Korea, Hankyong Lee Wonhee. First of all, the dignitaries visited the laboratory named after Nobel laureate Aziz Sanjar, the archaeological museum and the greenhouse.

      The members of the delegation were met by the rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov.

      During the dialogue, issues of cooperation between the parties were discussed in detail, including an international project in the field of smart gardening through the development of the science of horticulture and viticulture at Samarkand State University.

      The implementation period of the international project is 2024-2031. It is funded by the Korean Ministry of Education.

      During the meeting, a center was created to strengthen the capacity of Hankyong and Samarkand State University in the field of horticulture, viticulture and horticulture. At the same time, this center serves as a center for training personnel in the agricultural sector, a consulting room and a scientific school.

      Following the meeting, a memorandum of cooperation and an agreement on the implementation of the project were signed.

Information service of Samarkand State University,
Photos were taken by Shavkat Akramov.