The scientific and practical conference was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founder of the scientific school “Anthropogenic Landscape Studies” in Uzbekistan, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor, holder of the Order of “El-Yurt Khurmati” Ali Abdulkosimov.
      About 50 scientists from India, Germany, Poland, Romania, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Belarus took part in the prestigious conference.
      The plenary session of the conference was opened by the rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov.
      Khusan Tukhtaev, deputy khokim of the Samarkand region, read out a congratulation from Erkinjon Turdimov, founder of the school of anthropogenic landscape studies, Professor Ali Abdulkasimov, on the occasion of his 90th birthday. He also gave the scientist souvenirs.
      The conference was attended by Professor of Moscow State University, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Victoria Bityukova, Head of the Department of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan for Subsoil Use, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Candidate of Geographical Sciences Marat Faskhutdinov, Associate Professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin in Germany Savely Kuzmin and a number of foreign scientists.

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Samarkand State University