The graduation evening "Youth of the new Uzbekistan, know that the Motherland is waiting for you" was held for the graduates of the Academic Lyceum of Samarkand State University.

 Rector of Samarkand State University, scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputy of the Senate of Oliy Majlis Rustam Khalmuradov opened the conference and wished the graduates good luck.

 This year, 202 students graduated from the academic lyceum of SamSU in 4 directions, 3 of them with gold medals, 2 with silver medals. 25 students received diplomas of honors.

 122 young men and women received international and national certificates. Thus, these students received the highest score in a foreign language or specialty subject when entering the university.

     During the event, Rustam Khalmuradov presented the scholarship "Pride of our Academic Lyceum" to 10 students.

 - Today my daughter Jasmina has graduated from SamSU Academic Lyceum, specializing in foreign philology. During her studies, she has achieved a number of achievements," says Gulom Gaybullayev. - She received a national certificate of foreign language proficiency B2. She participated in scientific Olympiads. She won the Pride of Our Academic Lyceum scholarship. I am proud of my daughter's results and achievements. Now she wants to continue her studies at Samarkand State University. I support this. I am grateful to all the teachers who educated my child.

 - This is a happy day for me. I am moving from secondary education to higher education," said student Musobek Buronov. - While studying at the lyceum, I got national B2 certificates in math, physics and English. I graduated with a gold medal. I am the owner of the scholarship "Pride of our academic lyceum". I won the regional Olympiad in physics. My school teachers helped me a lot in my results. Thank you to all my teachers.

Information Service of Samarkand State University,
Photos taken by Shavkat AKRAMOV.