Nasirov Azimidin Normamatovich

Professor | Doctor of philological sciences 



“Modern literary process”, “Theory of literature-1”, “Uzbek novel”.



Completed a 2-month internship at Firat University, Turkey (2019), 1-month internship at Baku State University, Azerbaijan (2023)



Professor of the Department of Literature and Literary Theory of Samara State University named after Sh. Rashidov



Theoretical problems of Uzbek Romanism, such as its theoretical development, poetic changes, creative influence of world Romanism, were comparatively analyzed with Romanism of the independence period.



14 scientific articles were published at international conferences, 12 at republican conferences, 8 in journals listed by the Higher Attestation Commission, 7 in international prestigious journals. Author of 3 textbooks, 1 study guide.