Individuals entering Research Trainee status must have a master's degree or a clinical residency diploma (for medical sciences), or a higher education diploma (for specialty programs until 1997).

The following individuals are eligible for Foundation Postgraduate Studies:

  • Those who have completed a master's degree or clinical residency (for medical sciences), or hold a higher education diploma (for specialty programs);
  • Those who have scientific results that may serve as the basis for a doctoral dissertation research for obtaining a PhD, including at least one published article in scientific journals and at least two scientific works included in the collection of abstracts related to the respective fields.

    Applicants for Research Trainee and Foundation Postgraduate Studies must submit the following documents to the scientific organization or educational institution:

  • Application;
  • A brief biography;
  • A copy of the work record book certified in the prescribed manner (for applicants currently employed);
  • A copy of the master's degree diploma from a higher education institution or a diploma of completing clinical residency (for medical sciences), or a higher education diploma (for specialty programs);
  • A list of published scientific works, along with copies of them;
  • A national or international certificate in foreign languages at the corresponding level, with a minimum of C1 level for philology fields or B2 level for non-philology fields.
  • Recipients of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan must submit the corresponding document copy.

    Document submission: