10 articles, index  - 1


Head of the Department of Zoology


Scientific research area:


Ornithology; Biological pests; Bird behavior; Population; Development of repellents; Repellent complex

Main results of scientific research:


In Uzbekistan, the activities of biological pests caused by birds have been thoroughly studied. Research is being conducted on the situation of biological pests, the reasons for their emergence, their laws, ecological and technological nature, their prototypes and analogs, methods and prospects for preventing harmful activities, and optimizing the complex interactions between human economic activities and birds. The behavior of the house sparrow and the Eurasian tree sparrow has been studied, revealing the significant biological importance of the population of sparrows and their interspecies acoustic communication relationships.

In bioacoustic research, it was found for the first time that the golden bee-eater (Merops apiaster L.) and the blue bee-eater (Merops superciliosus L.) have high-level repellent signals known as disaster signals. It has been established that these repellent signals can effectively scare bee-eaters away from beekeeping enterprises. For the first time in Uzbekistan, it was determined that the interspecific effects of disaster signals from the repellent signals of the Eurasian tree sparrow have a significant impact. The rapid increase in the number of house sparrows and the expansion of their range indicates that the species has achieved a certain level of biological progress.

For the first time in Uzbekistan, an optical-acoustic repellent complex was created, which successfully passed tests and was introduced into production practice.

Main scientific publications:

  • А.Р. Джаббаров и др. Некоторые особенности биологии рыжепоясничной ласточки Cecropis daurica в городах Узбекистана // Русский орнитологический журнал 2020, Том 29, Экспресс-выпуск 1903: 1378-1380.

  • Djabbarov A.R. and others. Example Circle Plan – “Nature: Aesthetics - Ecology” for Students of First – Second Courses of Biological Faculties // International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 9s (2020). pp. 5332-5339.

  • Djabbarov A.R. and others. Materials to the Biology of the Turkestan White Stork – Ciconia ciconia asiatica in Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan // International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 9s (2020). pp. 5340-5346.

  • Djabbarov A.R. and others. Some Information About the Development of White and Bighead Fish in Artificial Water Reservoirs of Samarkand Region // Euro Science: International Conference on Social and Humanitarian Research, Hosted from Cologne, Germany, 2021. pp. 100-102.

  • Djabbarov A.R. and others. Биология и этология африканского страуса (Struthio camelus) в Самаркандской области // INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS AND RESEARCH IN EDUCATION. International Scientific Online Conference. - /23 May, 2023/ Canada, Ottawa “CESS” 2023. Pp. 242-246.