Associate Professor | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor



Mathematical analysis






1984 - Graduated from secondary school No. 3 of the Kamashi district.
1984-1991 - Student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Samarkand State University
1991-1994 - Postgraduate student at Samarkand State University
1997 - The degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences was approved
1994-2000 - Assistant at the Department of “Functional Analysis” of Samarkand State University
2000-2003 - Doctoral student at Samarkand State University
2004-2011 - Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling
2011-2013 - Head of the Department of Master's Degree
2013-2014 - Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling
2014-2021 - Associate Professor, University of Technology Malaysia
2021 - The academic title of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences was approved
2021-2022 - Associate Professor, Department of Functional Analysis, Samarkand State University
2022-20023 - Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics
2023 - present - Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis



M.E. Mominov conducted scientific work in the field of spectral theory of linear operators, the theory of differential equations, and boundary value problems. He created unique methods for studying the spectral properties of Schrödinger operators, suitable for two-, three- and four-particle systems. In particular, he proved the existence of infinite eigenvalues (Efimov effect) in an important mirror gap for a system of three particles in a three-dimensional grid.
M.E. Mominov created a formula for calculating the boundary values of the integrals of the ellipse region. He created algebraic methods for calculating periodic solutions of partial differential equations.



Published 65 scientific articles in Scopus journals, 32 in prestigious international journals, 12 scientific articles in republican journals included in the Higher Attestation Commission list, 30 articles and theses in collections of international and republican conferences.