
Ilmiy maqollarining 65 tasi SCOPUS va Web of Sciencs bazalariga kiritilgan, h-index - 9.
Fizika-matematika fanlari doktori, (DSc) professor Matematik analiz kafedrasi professori
Ilmiy tadqiqot yo‘nalishi:
M. E. Mo’minov chiziqli operatorlar spektral nazariyasi, differensial tenglamalar nazariyasi, chegaraviy masalalar sohosida ilmiy ishlar olib bordi. Ikki, uch va to’rt zarrachali sistemaga mos Shredinger operatorlarining spectral xossalarini o’rganishda o’ziga xos metodlar yaratdi. Xususan, uch o‘lchamli panjarada uchta zarrachalar sistemasi uchun muhim spekyr lakunasida cheksizta xos qiymatlar paydo bo’lish (Efimov effekti ) mavjudligini isbotladi.
Ilmiy tadqiqotlarining asosiy natijalari:
M. E. Mo’minov ellips sohali integrallarni chegaraviy qiymatlarini hisoblash formulasini yaratdi. Bo’lakli argumentli differensial tenglamalarni davriy yechimlarini hisoblashning algabraik usullarini yaratdi.
Asosiy ilmiy nashrlari:
Mukhiddin I. Muminov, Tirkash A. Radjabov, Existence conditions for 2-periodic solutions to a non-homogeneous differential equations with piecewise constant argument. Examples and Counterexamples, Vol. 5, June 2024, 100145.
Mukhiddin I. Muminov, Zarifjon Ochilov, The problem of integral geometry in three-dimensional space with a weight function of a special form AIP Conf. Proc. 3004, 020010 (2024),
М. Э. Муминов, И. Н. Бозоров, ТХ Расулов, О числе компонентов существенного спектра одной 2х2 операторной матрицы. Известия высших учебных заведений. Математика, 2024, 2, 85-90.
Mukhiddin I. Muminov, Abdimajid M. Khurramov, Islom N. Bozorov. On eigenvalues and virtual levels of a two-particle Hamiltonian on a d-dimensional lattice. Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math., 2023, 14 (3), 295–303.
M. I. Muminov, Z. Kh. Ochilov, An inversion formula for the weighted Radon transform along family of cones. Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math., 2023, 14 (1), 22–27
Muminov M.I., Radjabov T.A. On existence conditions for periodic solutions to a differential equation with constant argument. Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math., 2022, 13 (5), 491–497.
Muminov M.I., Khurramov A.M., Bozorov I.N. Conditions for the existence of bound states of a two-particle Hamiltonian on a three-dimensional lattice. Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math., 2022, 13 (3), 237–244.
Syafina Ahmad, Nurhazirah Mohamad Yunos, Taufiq Khairi Ahmad Khairuddin, Mukhiddin Muminov, Suzarina Ahmed Sukri. The Effect on The Volume and Semi Axes of a Conducting Spheroid Due to The Scaling on Its First Order Polarization Tensor. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences Vol. 94, Issue 1(2022), Pages 1-18
Muminov M.E., Khurramov A.M. On the number of eigenvalues of the model operator on the lattice . Uzbek Mathematical Journal. 2021, Volume 65, Issue 4, pp.145-154, DOI: 10.29229/uzmj.2021-4-13
Z. Kh. Ochilov, M.I. Muminov, On the problem of restoring a function in three dimensional space by the family of cones, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, Volume 10, pp 3505-3513;
Ali H. M. Murid, Nur H. A. A. Wahid, and Mukhiddin I. Muminov, Methods and Comparisons for Computing the Zeros of the Ahlfors Map for Doubly Connected Regions. AIP Conference Proceedings 2423, 020026 (2021); Published Online: 18 November 2021
Suzarina Ahmed Sukri, Taufiq Khairi Ahmad Khairuddin, Mukhiddin Muminov, Yeak Su Hoe, Syafina Ahmad, The Effect of Different Scale on Object to the Approximation of the First Order Polarization Tensor of Sphere, Ellipsoid, and Cube. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Vol. 87, Issue 1(2021), 108-117.
Mukhiddin Muminov, Nur Safirah Bahuriddin, Taufiq Khairi Ahmad Khairuddin, Syafina Ahmad, Wan Rohaizad Wan Ibrahim, An Extended Method for Fitting the First Order Polarization Tensor to a Spheroid Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology Volume 23, Issue 1 (2021), 8-17.
Mukhiddin I. Muminov and Zafar Z. Jumaev, Exact periodic solutions of second-order differential equations with piecewise constant arguments. Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 10 (2021), no. 9, 3113-3128,
Mukhiddin I. Muminov and Tirkash Radjabov, Forced diffusion equation with piecewise continuous time delay. Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 10 (2021), no. 4, 2269-2283, DOI:
Hazwani Aqilah Abdul Wahid, Ali Hassan Mohamed Murid and Mukhiddin Muminov, A Boundary Integral Equation Related to the Ahlfors Map. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Vol 17, No 2 (2021), 146-153.
Kassimu Mpungu, Tijani A Apalara and Mukhiddin Muminov, On the stabilization of laminated beams with delay. Applications of Mathematics, 66(2021), pp. 1-24. DOI: 10.21136/AM.2021.0056-20