Mukhiddinov Muslikhiddin Kutbiddinovich

Doctor of Philological Sciences | Professor



“The image of a perfect man in the Navoi epic”, “Sufi literature and literary connections”



In 2016, he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Youth Mentor of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, on the 29th anniversary of the Independence of Uzbekistan in 2020, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he was awarded the Order of “El-Yurt Khurmati”, in 2022 he was awarded the badge “Spirituality”



1967-1968 - Head of the Department of Uzbek Literature, senior laboratory assistant at the Samarkand State Pedagogical Institute;
1968-1971 - Postgraduate student at Tashkent State University;
1971-1983 - Lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, acting Head of the Department of Uzbek Literature of the Samarkand State Pedagogical Institute;
1983-1985 - Vice-Rector for Educational Work of the Samarkand State Pedagogical Institute;
1985-1992 - Associate Professor, acting Professor of the Department of Uzbek Literature of the Samarkand State Pedagogical Institute;
1992-1998 - Professor of the Department of History of Uzbek Literature at Samarkand State University;
1998-2011 - Vice-rector for spirituality and education, acting rector of Samarkand State University;
2011-2015 - Professor of the Department of History of Uzbek Literature at Samarkand State University;
2015-2017 - Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature at Samarkand State University;
2017 - present - Professor of the Department of History of Classical Literature at Samarkand State University.



He raised research to a new qualitative level of the concepts of human perfection in the works of Alisher Navoi and his predecessors, as well as the traditions of anchovy not only in Uzbek literature, but also in Persian-Tajik, Turkish, and Azerbaijani literary criticism. With his research, the scientist proved the need to study the main issues of Eastern classical literature in a comparative manner as a whole. In the field of literature of the Muslim East, Uzbek classical literature, along with literature created in Arabic and Persian, developed and formed a single cultural and spiritual space, scientifically substantiating general and specific aspects in the issue of poetic style of thinking.



Published 1 scientific article in the Scopus database, 9 in prestigious international journals, 21 scientific articles in republican journals included in the Higher Attestation Commission, 12 articles and abstracts in collections of international and republican conferences.