Department of Differential Equations, Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of Differential Equations, Samarkand State University
Khasanov Aknazar Bekdurdievich
+998 97 405 57 97
Aknazar Khasanov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. The scientist has published 39 articles in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science, in total 40 articles in national scientific journals. He is also the author of 3 monographs, 1 textbook and 1 study guide. His main scientific direction is focused on "Inverse Problems of the Spectral Theory of Differential Operators and their Application to Nonlinear Evolution Equations". The Hirsch index of Aknazar Khasanov in the Scopus database is 7.
Employees of the Department of Differential Equations
Tursunov Farkhod Ruzikulovich Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. He successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in physical and mathematical sciences on the topic "Regularization of the solution of the Cauchy problem for a system of equations of elliptic type of the first order." His main scientific direction is the correct and ill-posed problems of mathematical physics, the Cauchy problem for elliptic equations and systems, regularization for solving ill-posed problems. During his career, Farhod Tursunov has published 3 articles in scientific journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. He also published 10 articles in local scientific journals recognized by the National Academy of Sciences of our Republic. Participated in more than 70 international and local conferences and symposiums with abstracts of articles. Links to scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science: |
Tolib Ishankulov Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. He defended his Ph.D. thesis on differential equations and mathematical physics on the topic "Stability and regularization of the problem of analytic continuation of functions of many variables" and received the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He defended his doctoral dissertation on differential equations and mathematical physics on the topic "Analytic continuation of functions of a set of variables and solutions of elliptic systems". For his labor activity, Tolib Ishankulov published 2 textbooks, 5 educational and methodological instructions. Author of about 100 articles and abstracts. Also published 14 articles in scientific journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Links to scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science: |
Malikov Ziyadullo Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. He defended his thesis on the topic "The Cauchy problem for the multidimensional Cauchy-Riemann system" in the specialty "01.01.02 - differential equations and mathematical physics". In 2022, he published the textbook "Equations of Mathematical Physics" in Tajik. Ziyadullo Malikov conducted research on the Cauchy problem for a system of factorizable equations with the Helmholtz equation and published more than 50 articles and abstracts. |
Yahyo Mukhtarov Yahyo Mukhtarov - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. He defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Application of innovations to the qualitative study of some classes of two-dimensional dynamical systems". Yahyo Mukhtarov has many years of experience in the field of differential equations. Author of more than 60 scientific papers, 3 textbooks and 9 manuals. |
Shodiev Dilshod Sirozhidinovich Senior Lecturer, Department of Differential Equations, Samarkand State University. Conducts scientific research on the topic "Solution of ill-posed problems for given equations of elliptic type in bounded and unbounded fields." His main scientific direction is the correct and ill-posed problems of mathematical physics, the Cauchy problem for elliptic equations and systems, regularization for solving ill-posed problems. Dilshod Chodiev published articles in prestigious scientific journals throughout his scientific career. So far, 1 article has been published in scientific journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Also, the HAC of our republic published 5 articles in local scientific journals. He has participated in more than 60 international and local conferences and symposia with abstracts. Links to scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science: |
Ochilov Zarifjon Khusanovich Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. He defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Problems of integral geometry on the plane and d'Alembert reflections for symmetrical spheres". Currently, he is conducting a scientific research on the topic “Problems of integral geometry of the Voltaire type with a special type of weight function” for a doctoral dissertation. For his work, the scientist has published more than 100 scientific articles in our country and abroad. Author of more than 10 teaching aids. 5 owns the copyright for the software development. |
Muminov Ulugbek Bobomurodovich Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in physical and mathematical sciences, senior lecturer. He successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis in physical and mathematical sciences on the topic "Integration of a non-linear defocused Schrödinger equation with an infinite zone in the class of periodic functions." The main scientific direction is focused on the topic "Applications of the spectral theory of differential operators to non-linear evolution equations". During his career, Ulugbek Muminov published 1 textbook. His articles have been published in 2 scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science, as well as about 10 articles in national scientific journals. Participated in international and republican scientific-practical conferences, having defended more than 10 theses. Links to scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science: |
Boymurodov Dostonbek Shukhratovich Assistant of the Department of Differential Equations, Samarkand State University. Since 2020, she has been working at the Department of Differential Equations of Samarkand State University. |
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About the Department of Differential Equations The Department of Differential Equations and Geometry was established in 1961. Since 1971 the department has been divided into departments of differential equations and geometry. In 1994, as a result of the merger of the Departments of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, the Department of Differential and Mathematical Equations of Physics was established. In 2010, the Department of Differential and Mathematical Physical Equations, as well as the Department of Higher Mathematics and Innovative Technologies, were merged and continue their activities under the name of the Department of Differential Equations. Heads of the department: Prof. Kh.N. Narzullaev (1961-1971), Prof. Sh.R. Sharipov (1972-1994), Prof. Sh.Ya. A.H. Khaidarov (1997-2010), prof. A.H. Begmatov (2010-2014), Assoc. Z.Kh. Ochilov (2014-2016), Assoc. Z. Malikov (2016-2017), since 2017 the department has been headed by Professor Khasanov A.B. During the years of activity, the department organized the teaching of analytical geometry, ordinary differential equations, differential geometry, equations of mathematical physics, calculation methods, higher mathematics and other general education courses. At present, it is planned to teach annual general courses in the disciplines of mathematics, mathematics and computer science, mathematical engineering, mechanics and mathematical modeling, applied mathematics, ordinary differential equations for sophomores in areas of physical education, differential equations of mathematical physics for the third year, modern methods for solving boundary problems for fourth-year students. 60710100 - chemical technology, 60530100 - chemistry (by type), 60710400 - ecology and environment, 60530400 - geography, 60530500 - geology, 60310100 - economics, 60540100 - philology and teaching languages (Russian) mathematics courses. |
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The department has 70540101 Mathematics (Department: Differential Equations) - magistracy, 01.01.02 - basic doctoral studies and doctoral studies in the specialty differential equations and mathematical physics. Currently, the department has 4 highly qualified professors, 5 associate professors, 2 senior lecturers and 3 assistants. The department pays special attention to the training of scientific personnel. Under his leadership, more than 40 candidates of physical and mathematical sciences, 6 doctors of sciences were trained. The staff of the department conducts scientific research on the theory of operators, integral equations, integro-differential equations, the theory of ordinary differential equations, ill-posed and non-classical problems of mathematical physics. For many years the department has established scientific relations with prestigious educational centers of foreign countries. That is, communication with Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Ufa universities and research institutes is increasingly being established. Later, contacts were established with universities in the USA and Canada. The department has strong ties with scientific centers of the National Academy of Sciences. Conducts scientific research together with the staff of the Department of Differential Equations and Equations of Mathematical Physics of the National University of Uzbekistan. |
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New results obtained at the department are constantly discussed by scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Romanov Institute of Mathematics and its regional divisions. In addition, articles are published in prestigious scientific journals. For example: «Уфимский математический журнал», «Известия вузов», «Дифференциальные уравнения», «Фундаментальная и прикладная математика», «Математические труди», «Theoretical and Math.Phys», “Ukrainian Mathematical Journal”, “Sib. jurn. industr. matem”, “Алгебра и анализ”, «Inverse and Ill-posed problems», «Сибирский математический журнал», «Известия RAN», «Узбекский математический журнал», «DAN Uz» and others. The scientists of the department have published more than 500 scientific works: 5 textbooks, 4 monographs, 10 teaching aids, more than 30 educational and methodological complexes have been created. Special courses on differential equations and equations of mathematical physics have been operating at the department for many years. These courses study inverse problems of the spectral theory of differential operators, integral equations, mixed problems for classical equations of mathematical physics, potential theory, equations of mathematical physics, ordinary differential equations, inverse problems of the spectral theory of differential operators, problems and application.
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Curricula in the natural sciences taught at the department Bachelor's degree
Photos from the life of the department