Department of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Head of the department
Kuljanov Utkir Nematovich
- Reception days: Everyday (8:00 -16:00)
- Phone number: +99897 919-34-17
- Email:
2001 - 2005 - student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Samarkand State University;
2005 - 2007 - master student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Samarkand State University;
2008-2011 - Postgraduate student of the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis;
2012-2013 - senior laboratory assistant of the magistracy department of Samarkand State University;
2013-2019 - Assistant of the Department of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Samarkand State University;
2020-2021 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Samarkand State University;
Since May 2021 - Associate Professor of the Department of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Samarkand State University;
Since December 17, 2021 - Acting Head of the Department of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Samarkand State University.
History of the Department of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
The department was organized under the name "General Mathematics" in 1936. At first, the teachers of the department, together with the subject of probability theory, taught the subjects of mathematics, algebra and number theory, descriptive geometry.
In 1936-41, the department was headed by associate professor Kuzinov R.P. At this time, having completed postgraduate studies in Moscow, the young geometer M.A. returned to work at the department. Sobirov, who became the dean of the faculty. At that time, a teacher also worked at the department, who came from Kiev University A.A. Shepelevsky. In 1938, a graduate of Leningrad University, associate professor V.M. Basque. He was assigned to give lectures in courses of mathematical analysis.
In 1944, the post of head of the department was assigned to the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor N.P. Romanov, who headed the department from 1944 to 1951, and in 1951 he went to work at Tashkent State University. Under his leadership, PhD dissertations were defended by M.S. Sobirov, H.A. Abdullaev, I.Ya. Casara, N.H. Teshabaeva, M.A. Subkhankulov, Kh.N. Narzullaev, F.V. Tomashevich, B.Ya. Levin, S.U. Kurtyakov. Then from the students of N.P. Romanova M.A. Subkhankulov and B.Ya. Levin, deepening their scientific results, defended their doctoral dissertations and were invited to work in research centers outside of Uzbekistan.
From 1951 to 1961, аssociate рrofessor R.I. Iskandarov
In 1961-1971, the department was headed by associate professor V.M. Basque. At that time, the department included 23 researchers. In particular, 6 teachers in drawing and descriptive geometry were hired.
Since 1971, associate professor Rakhmonov R.R. has become the head of the department. At this time, in connection with the opening of new departments at the faculty, researchers were recruited related to the preparation of the preparatory department. During this period, work was carried out on teaching subjects related to the theory of probability. At the same time, work was organized to teach special courses and defend theses. Members of the department established a close relationship with Academician T.A. Sarimsakov and Academician S.Kh. Sirojiddinov. Over the years, Professor T.A. Azlarov has constantly visited the department to give lectures on special courses and to supervise the theses of graduates.
In 1982-1988, the head of the department was associate professor V.B. Bozorov. During these years, scientific research intensified, the staff of the department was replenished with young teachers.
In 1988-93, the head of the department was Associate Professor G.V. Zlotsky. During this period, special attention was paid to educational and scientific research on the methodology of teaching mathematics. A problematic seminar was organized on a national scale, to which leading scientists and specialists from Moscow, Kiev and other cities of the former Soviet Union were invited. For example, professors V.G. Boltyansky and G.D. Glaser took part in the seminar several times with their reports. In addition, a number of measures were taken to reform education.
In 1992, in connection with the termination of the Samarkand State Pedagogical Institute, 9 members of the Department of Methods of Teaching Mathematics and 3 members of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Faculty of Physics were admitted to the department.
In 1993-99, the department was headed by Associate Professor Holikulov I.B. During these years and in the first years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the reform of higher education led to a reduction in staff, but increased attention and increased responsibility for teaching subjects and conducting scientific research. Positive developments occurred during the first phase of the implementation of the national training program .
In 1999-2004, the head of the department was Associate Professor Khusainov Ya.M. During this period, in connection with the strengthening of the requirements for the learning process in higher education, a number of new educational literature, curricula and plans were developed at the department and implemented in the educational process. For example, a course of lectures on all subjects of the department has been prepared. In 2003, two directions were opened in the specialties 5A460104 - "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", 5A460107 - "Methods of Teaching Mathematics" and more than 20 undergraduates successfully completed them. In 2001 he defended his doctoral thesis Zlotsky G.V. on the topic "Scientific and pedagogical foundations for the formation of readiness for professional and pedagogical activity among students - mathematicians of universities" in the specialty 13.00.02-methods of teaching mathematics. In 2003, the name of the department was changed to "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics".
From March 2, 2005 to 2013, the department was headed by Professor Jalilov A.A. During this period, much attention was paid to improving the quality of teaching the subjects of the department, to scientific relations with foreign countries. For example, the department has established scientific relations with research centers in Trieste (Italy), Turkey, Germany, England, USA, Malaysia. During this period, the department created (2011) educational and methodological complexes in all subjects of the department. Three candidate dissertations were defended under the guidance of A.A. Jalilova: Akhadkulov Kh., Safarov Ў., Begmatov A. Over the years, about 15 manuals have been published on the methodology of teaching mathematics and probability theory, the history of mathematics. For example, the textbook "Algebra and Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis" was published for AL and professional colleges, one of the authors of which was Associate Professor Abdukhamidov A.U.
On March 15, 2013, Professor Abdullaev Zh.I. was elected to the position of head of the department on a competitive basis. Over the years, a lot of work has been done to raise the scientific prestige and train young qualified personnel, as well as to strengthen scientific ties with foreign scientific centers.
Since September 2018, the department has been headed by Assoc. Kurbanov Kh.
And from January 11, 2018, Prof. A.M. Khalkhuzhaev was appointed head of the department.
From August 12, 2020, associate professor Kholikulov S.I. was appointed head of the department.
Since December 17, 2021, Associate Professor U.N. Kulzhanov has become acting head of the department.
Currently, members of the department conduct lectures, practical and laboratory classes in three languages; in Uzbek, Russian, Tajik in the subjects of probability theory, mathematical statistics teaching methods of mathematics, higher mathematics and mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics, at the faculties of history, physics, applied mathematics, Uzbek philology, Tajik philology, vocational training, economics, physical culture, art history.
Members of the department constantly carry out scientific research in the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, in the methodology of teaching mathematics, the history of mathematics and mathematical physics. Scientific articles and abstracts of the members of the department are published in international and republican scientific collections, scientific ties are established with foreign and republican scientific centers and scientific research takes part in several republican grants.
A textbook by Zh.I. Abdullaev was published in co-authorship “Functional analysis and integral equations”, textbooks “Collection of problems on the theory of a real variable” (parts 1-3), a textbook “Mathematics. For applicants to higher educational institutions” (parts 1,2 and 3)
Currently, the department has 3 professors, 3 associate professors, 6 assistants: associate professor Kulzhanov U.N., prof. A.M. Khalkhuzhaev, prof. Zh.I.Abdullaev, prof. Yu.S. Mishura (Ukraine), associate professors Kurbanov H., Ostonov K., assistants Bozorova U., Absalamov A., Yakhshilikov Zh., Tilavov R., Kudratov H., Toshturdiev A..
The department has established close contacts with the Uzbek National University, the Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, the Tashkent State Pedagogical University, universities in the regions of Gulistan, Urgench, Termez, Karshi, Bukhara Pedagogical Institutes of Navoi and Jizzakh, as well as foreign research centers at the universities of Cambridge, (England), Lilla (France), Claustala (Germany), Turkey, Toronto (Canada), Czech Republic (West Bohemia), Wales (Cardiff), Sweden (Stogholm, Lulea) and universities of the CIS countries MGU, St. Petersburg, Kiev universities. In addition, it carries out educational and scientific relations with all universities of the city of Samarkand.
The department operates a master's program in the specialty 5А130102 - "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", in which 18 undergraduates study.
Graduates of the department who have completed a bachelor's degree in the specialty "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", can work in all areas of production or in general education and vocational education.
Acting Head of the Department Associate Professor Kulzhanov U.N.