Department of Probability Theory and Applied Mathematics, Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of Probability Theory and Applied Mathematics
Kulzhonov Utkir Nematovich
+99897 9193417,
Utkir Kuljonov - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor. Since 2012 he has been working at Samarkand State University. Since 2021, he has been working as the head of the Department of Probability Theory and Applied Mathematics at Samarkand State University.
In 2019, Utkir Kulzhonov defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “On the lower spectrum of one- and two-particle discrete Schrödinger operators”. Published 6 articles in international databases Scopus, Web of Science, about 16 articles in international and national scientific journals, more than 20 abstracts at international and national conferences. He is also the author of 2 study guides and 7 teaching aids. The main scientific direction of the scientist concerns the spectra of discrete and continuous Schrödinger operators.
Links to scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science:
DOI: 10.1134/S1995080222150161
Employees of the Department of Probability Theory and Applied Mathematics of Samarkand State University
Abdullaev Dzhanikul Ibragimovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Since 1989 he has been working at Samarkand State University. In 1991 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in physical and mathematical sciences on the topic “Some spectral properties of the matrix-valued Friedrichsch model”, and in 2001 he defended his doctoral dissertation (DSc) on the topic “Spectral analysis of the Schrödinger operators of systems of two, three and four particles on a lattice”. Published more than 36 articles in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science, more than 32 articles in international and national scientific journals, more than 80 abstracts at international and national conferences. He also published 1 textbook, 7 teaching aids and 6 teaching aids. The textbook "Functional Analysis and Integral Equations" by Dzhanikul Abdullaev and the textbooks "Mathematics for applicants to universities" are currently used by many readers of the republic. The scientist conducts research in the direction of discrete Schrödinger operators and their spectrum. Links to scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science: |
Kurbonov Khabibulla Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1987 he defended his thesis on the topic "Problems of the theory of public service". Published about 10 articles in international and republican scientific journals, more than 23 theses at international and republican conferences. He is the author of 2 teaching aids and 14 teaching aids. The main scientific direction is devoted to the problems of the theory of public service. Links to scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science:
Ostonov Kurbon Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1987 he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Activation of the mental activity of students in the study of the course" Fundamentals of Algebra and Analysis". Published about 20 articles in international and national scientific journals, more than 25 abstracts at international and national conferences. He is the author of 4 textbooks and 23 teaching aids. The main scientific direction of the scientist is devoted to the problems of developing students' creative thinking when teaching mathematics in a secondary school. Links to scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science: |
Bozorova Ugiloy Barotovna Department assistant, independent researcher. Since 2018, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Probability Theory and Applied Mathematics at Samarkand State University. Published 1 article and 1 thesis in international journals. Participated in 3 articles and more than 10 abstracts at conferences of the national scale. Links to scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science: |
Kulieva Gulchekhra Takhirovna Kulieva Gulchehra – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of physics and mathematics. Since 2023, he has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Probability Theory and Applied Mathematics at Samarkand State University. In 2007, the scientist successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Rothe’s method of some elliptic and parabolic variational inequalities in non-cylindrical spheres.” Published 10 articles in scientific journals Scopus, Web of Science, 12 articles in international and republican scientific journals, more than 15 theses at republican conferences. Kulieva Gulchehra conducts scientific research in the direction of the Rothe method and Hardy inequalities. Addresses of scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science: |
Toshturdiev Abdikhurayra Muhammadievich +99893 359-62-69 Toshturdiev Abdihuraira has been working at Samarkand State University since 2019. Lecturer at the Department of Probability Theory and Applied Mathematics. Abdihuraira Tashturdiev published 3 articles in scientific journals, 3 in international and national scientific journals, as well as more than 20 abstracts at conferences included in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science. The main scientific direction of the scientist is the spectra of discrete Schrödinger operators. Addresses of scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science: |
Toshkulov Khamza Abdujabborovich Khamza Toshkulov has been working as a teacher at the Department of Probability Theory and Applied Mathematics of Samarkand State University since 2014. Published 1 article and 5 abstracts in international Scopus journals. Participated in writing 5 articles and more than 10 abstracts at national conferences. At the same time, he is the author of 1 methodological manual on the science of probability theory. Addresses of scientific papers published in scientific journals included in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science: |
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About the Department of Probability Theory and Applied Mathematics The department was established in 1936 under the name of general mathematics. At first, the teachers of the department taught such subjects as mathematics, algebra and number theory, drawing geometry along with the theory of probability, and later mathematical analysis. In 1936-1941, the department was headed by associate professors R.P. Kuzinov, M.A. Sobirov. A. A. Shepelevsky, who came from Kyiv University, began to work at the department. In 1938, associate professor V.M. Baskov, graduate of Leningrad University. He taught courses in mathematical analysis at the department. In 1944, the head of the department was appointed Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Romanov N.P. Under his supervision, Ph.D. .Ya., Kurtyakov S.Yu. Later, M. A. Subkhankulov, B. Ya. Levin, students of N. P. Romanov, deepened their scientific results, defended their doctoral dissertations and were invited to work in scientific centers abroad. |
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From 1944 to 1951, Professor N.P. Romanov. From 1951 to 1961 the department was headed by Associate Professor R.I. Iskandarov. In 1961-1971, the department was headed by Associate Professor V. M. Baskov. During this period, 23 scientists worked at the department. Since 1971, the department was headed by Associate Professor R.R. Rakhmonov. During this period, in connection with the opening of departments at the faculty, researchers of the preparatory department were hired. During these years, the department also taught subjects related to the theory of probability. At the same time, the teaching of special courses and the defense of dissertations was started. Strong relations were established with the staff of the department, Academician T.A. Sarimsakov and Academician S.Kh. Sirojiddinov. During these years, Professor T.A. Azlarov regularly came to supervise special disciplines and diploma works of the department. Under the guidance of T.A. Azlarov, associate professors of the department B. Bozorov, Ya. M. Khusainov, Kh. Kurbonov defended their dissertations. In 1982-1988 the department was headed by Associate Professor Bozorov V.B. During these years, scientific research was strengthened at the department, the staff of the department was strengthened by young teachers. |
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In 1988-1993, the department was headed by Associate Professor G.V. Zlossky. During these years, the educational and scientific processes in the methodology of teaching mathematics intensified. An all-Russian problem seminar was organized, to which leading scientists and specialists from Moscow and other cities were invited. In particular, professor V.G. Boltyansky, G.D. Glazer has repeatedly participated in these seminars and delivered lectures. At the same time, the department took the necessary measures to reform education. In 1999-2004, the department was headed by Associate Professor Khusainov Ya.M. During this period, in connection with the increased requirements for teaching in higher education, the department developed and implemented educational literature, programs and plans. In particular, texts of lectures on all subjects were prepared and published. In 2003, master's programs were opened in the specialties 5A460104 - "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", 5A460107 - "Methods of Teaching Mathematics". Since 2003, the name of the department has been changed to probability theory and mathematical statistics. |
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From 2005 to 2013, the department was headed by Professor Jalilov A.A. Since 2013, Professor Zh. Abdullayev has been elected head of the department on the basis of a competition. During these years, much attention was paid to such areas as increasing the scientific potential of the department, training qualified young personnel, strengthening foreign scientific ties. In 2019, Professor Khalkhodzhaev A.M. was appointed head of the department. The staff of the department are specialists in the field of probability theory, mathematical statistics, methods of teaching mathematics, mathematics from higher mathematics and mathematics, applied mathematics, physics, history, economics, labor education, Uzbek philology, fine arts, physical culture, Tajik philology, lectures, practical and laboratory classes are conducted for students in three languages: Uzbek, Russian and Tajik at faculties and correspondence and special correspondence departments. Since August 2022, the name of the department has been changed to Probability Theory and Applied Mathematics. Employees of the department conduct research work on the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, methods of teaching mathematics, mathematical analysis, history of mathematics. Scientific works of the staff of the department are published in international and republican scientific collections. Members of the department have established contacts with foreign scientific centers and are conducting scientific work on several grants. |
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Currently, the department cooperates with the National University of Uzbekistan, the Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Federation, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, the Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan, Guliston State University in the regions, Jizzakh, Navoi Pedagogical Institutes, Urgench State University and Cambridge abroad (I have established links with research centers universities such as England), Lille (France), Clausthal (Germany), Turkey, Toronto (Canada), Czech Republic (West Bohemia), Wales (Cardiff), Sweden (Stockholm, Lulea). Also, scientific cooperation between Moscow State University, St. Petersburg, Kyiv (Ukraine) and universities of the CIS countries has been established. In addition, regular and organic ties have been established with higher educational institutions of Samarkand in the scientific and educational fields. |
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Curricula taught at the department Undergraduate • Mathematics • Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics • Content of general secondary education textbooks • History of mathematics • Methods of teaching mathematics and computer science • Game theory • Theory of distribution functions • Professionally oriented teaching of mathematics |
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Master's degree • Limit theorems for the sum of random variables • Theory of public service • Applications of integral equations to probability theory • Quantum probability theory • Theory of characteristic functions |
Photos from the life of the department