Department of Geology and Hydrometeorology of Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of Geology and Hydrometeorology, Samarkand State University
Meliev Bakhtiyor Abduhomidovich
+998 99 776 77 25
Bakhtiyor Meliev – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of geography. In 2019, he defended his PhD thesis in geography on the topic “The use of modern (aerospace, mathematical, geoinformation) methods in the study of landscapes of Middle Zeravshan.” Since 2023, he has been working as the head of the Department of Geology and Hydrometeorology.
Bakhtiyor Meliev participates in international and republican scientific and practical grants. Currently he is conducting scientific research on assessing the impact of climate change on the quantitative indicators of water resources in the Zarafshan basin. In this area, 1 textbook, 2 teaching aids, and more than 30 scientific articles and abstracts have been published in republican journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and foreign scientific journals.
Staff of the Hydrometeorology Department
Khairulla Dzhurakulov Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Professor. He has been working at Samarkand State University since 1990. In 1992, he defended his PhD thesis on "Laterification of mountain and foothill plains landscapes of Zerafshan". During his labor activity he is the author of 2 textbooks, 2 monographs, 1 brochure, 3 textbooks, 6 manuals, over 160 scientific articles. His textbooks "General Geomorphology", "General Geomorphology" and manuals "Basics of Geology and Geomorphology", "General Geomorphology" were published. The scientist also participated with his articles in scientific journals and conferences on geographical science in the cities of Poland, India, Ufa, Moscow, Kazakhstan, Kazan, Baku, Bishkek. 3 articles were published in scientific journals in Scopus and Web of Science databases. Since 2020 he has been carrying out scientific research on "Processes occurring in natural complexes under anthropogenic impact on the territory of South-West Uzbekistan". |
Buribai Rakhmanov Candidate of geographical sciences, professor. In 1995 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Regularities of changes in the physical and mechanical properties of saline silt-clay soils during soaking and alkalization." The following monographs were published: "Practical lessons in general geology", "Methodological guide for qualifying practice in general geology", "Methodological guide for independent work in general geology", "Practical lessons in general geology" and teaching aids and monographs "Moisture soils and the laws of change in physical properties under the influence of water”. In addition, he has published articles in about 100 national and international journals and conference proceedings. |
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Khaydarov Safarboy Abdirashitovich +998 91 299 86 39
Safarboy Khaidarov is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Geography. In 2018, he defended his PhD thesis in geography on "Assessment of the influence of climatic factors on the formation of water resources of rivers in the Zeravshan basin". Safarboy Haydarov is a participant of international and national scientific and practical grants. Currently, he carries out scientific research on the topic of assessing the impact of climate change on the quantitative indicators of water resources in the Zeravshan basin. One monograph, one textbook, one manual, one teaching aid, and more than 50 scientific articles and theses were published in the VAK journals of our republic and foreign scientific journals on this direction. |
Ganiev Shakhob Rabimkulovich Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Geography. Since 2014, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Geology and Hydrometeorology of Samarkand State University. In 2022 he defended his doctoral dissertation in geography. Shahob Ganiev has published more than 40 scientific papers. Author of 1 monograph. 2 articles published in international journals, 8 articles in national periodicals. Participated in 16 international and 9 republican scientific conferences with abstracts of lectures. |
Sattarov Jovkhar Burkhonovich Assistant of the Department. Since 2022 he has been working as an assistant in the Department of Geology and Hydrometeorology at SamSU. He teaches geology students such subjects as "Geology of Mineral Resources", "Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits", "Minerology and Crystallography", "Paleontology and Stratigraphy", "Geocryology" and "Geophysical Research Methods". |
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Amirkulov Mamatkul Davirovich Department Assistant. Since 2023, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Geology and Hydrometeorology at SamSU. Teaches geology students in such disciplines as “Structural Geology and Geological Mapping”, “Geological Exploration and Safety Engineering”, “Mineralogy and Crystallography”, “Palaeontology and Stratigraphy”, “Petrography” and “Geotectonics”. |
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About the Department of Hydrometeorology The Department of Hydrometeorology at SamSU was established in 2007. Since the establishment of the department to the present time its directors are professors Subkhan Abbasov, Ali Abdulkasimov, Kuwondik Yarashev, T. Khalikulov. Currently, Associate Professor Safarboy Haydarov acts as the head. Initially there were 8 people in the baccalaureate department of hydrometeorology, later this number increased to 25, and the number of academic hours of the department increased accordingly. Since 2009, the department has had a master's degree in terrestrial hydrology. 00.11.03 of 2017-Terrestrial hydrology. Water Resources. The department has a doctoral program in hydrochemistry and currently has 5 basic doctoral students conducting research in the department's doctoral program. The department trains bachelors in the specialties 5140700-Hydrometeorology, 5140800-Geology (by direction) on the basis of new state educational standards. By present day at the chair work 1 doctor of science, professor, 2 candidates of science, professor, 2 (PhD) associate professors, 1 (PhD) assistant, 4 lecturers. |
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Department staff conduct research on water resources and hydrogeological resources of Uzbekistan on the main topic "Study of hydrological, meteorological and hydrogeological characteristics of South-West Uzbekistan". Water resources, water quality and ecological situation in regions, drinking water supply, climatic characteristics, variability of meteorological factors, climate change and its consequences, state and quality of groundwater, surface relations, water-related issues, formation. Currently, the department trains bachelors in the specialties 5140700-Hydrometeorology and 5140800-Geology (by direction) and specialty 5A141101-Hydrology. |
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Educational disciplines taught at the department Bachelor's degree
Photos from the life of the department