Department of Literature of the Period of Independence and Literature Theory of Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of Literature of the Period of Independence and Literature Theory of
Samarkand State University
Khasanov Shavkat Akhadovich
+99891 5517322.
Shavkat Hasanov, doctor of philological sciences, professor. He has been working at Samarkand State University since 1991. Since 2017, he has been the head of the Department of Literature of the Independence Period and Literature Theory at Samarkand State University.
In 1995 he defended his PhD thesis on "Uzbek dramatic epic" and in 2004 he successfully defended his doctoral thesis on "Poetics of Uzbek epics of the second half of the twentieth century". He is the author of 2 monographs, 2 scientific treatises, 2 textbooks, 3 textbooks and 4 manuals, more than 140 scientific articles. The scientist has also published 3 articles in prestigious international journals such as Scopus and Web of Science.
Staff members of the Department of Literature of the Age of Independence and Literary Theory
Umurov Khotam Ikromovich Khotam Umurov is an honored mentor of Uzbek youth, doctor of philological sciences, professor. Since 1993, he has been working at the Department of Literature of the Period of Independence and Literature Theory at SamSU. In 1984, he defended his doctoral dissertation on "Problems of Psychology and the Uzbek Novel". Khotam Umurov during his labor activity published 7 textbooks, 10 manuals, 33 study guides, 12 monographs, 12 brochures, 5 volumes of collections and more than 500 scientific articles. |
Nosirov Azimidin Normamatovich Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor. Since 2000 he has been working at the Department of Literature of the Independence Period and Literature Theory at SamSU. In 1999 he defended his PhD thesis on "Historical truth and its artistic interpretation", and in 2018 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Poetics of Odil Yakubov's novels". Azimidin Nasirov has published 2 textbooks, 1 textbook, 6 methodological manuals, 5 monographs and more than 250 scientific articles during his career. He has published more than 20 scientific articles in international journals, 34 in journals of HAC list and 1 in journals included in Scopus database.
Kobilov Usmon Uralovich Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Since 2002 he has been working at the Department of Independence Period Literature and Literature Theory at SamSU. In 2001 he defended his candidate thesis on "The Image of Jesus Christ in Classical Literature" and in 2019 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Artistic Comprehension of Prophetic Motifs and Images in Uzbek Literature (XIV-XV centuries)". During his career Usmon Kobilov has published 3 monographs, 4 manuals, 2 textbooks and over 200 scientific articles. He published about 20 articles in international journals, more than 30 articles in the journals of the Higher Attestation Commission list and more than 50 articles at international and national conferences. Published 3 articles in the journals included in the database Web of Science. |
Davronova Makhfuza Isroilovna Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Since 2005 she has been working at the Department of Literature of the Independence Period and Literature Theory at SamSU. In 2019 she defended her doctoral dissertation "Poetics of style in modern Uzbek poetry". During her career Mahfuza Davronova has published 2 monographs, 5 methodological manuals, 4 textbooks, more than 100 scientific articles. She has published about 5 articles in international journals and more than 30 articles in the journals listed in HAC. 2 articles were published in Scopus journals. |
Toshpulatov Akram Khaydarovich Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2007 he has been working at the Department of Literature of the Independence period and the theory of literature at SamSU. In 2018 he defended his PhD thesis on "The genre of the novel and its art in Uzbek literature". During his career Akram Toshpolatov published 1 textbook, 2 methodological manuals, 1 monograph and more than 40 scientific articles. 1 article was published in the journal included in the Scopus database. |
Jabborova Dilafruz Ergashovna Doctor of Philosophy in philological sciences, associate professor. Since 2018 she has been working at the Department of Literature of the Independence Period and Literature Theory at SamSU. In 2018 she defended her PhD thesis on "Interpretations of Chulpan's work in Uzbek literary studies of the independence period (on the example of his poetic and prose works)". Dilafruz Jabborova is the author of 1 monograph, 1 brochure, 1 textbook. More than 50 scientific articles have been published in national and foreign editions. 6 articles were published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. |
Khursanov Dilshod Bakhtiyorovich Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2012 he has been working at the Department of literature of the period of independence and literary theory at SamSU. In 2020 he defended his PhD thesis on philological sciences on "Poetics of chronotope in modern Uzbek poetry". Dilshod Khursanov is the author of 1 monograph, 2 teaching aids, more than 38 scientific articles. He has published more than 2 articles in international journals, 11 in journals listed in the Higher Attestation Commission, and more than 25 articles at international and national conferences. 2 articles were published in the journals included in the database Web of Science.
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Ernazarova Gulbakhor Isakovna Doctor of Philosophy in Philology. Since 2017, she has been working at the Department of Literature of the Independence Period and Literature Theory at SamSU. In 2022 she successfully defended her PhD thesis in philology on "Traditions of mysticism in modern Uzbek poetry". Gulbahor Ernazarova has published more than 20 scientific articles during her career. She has published 2 articles in international journals, 6 articles in HAC list journals and more than 10 articles at international and national conferences. Published 1 article in the journal included in the Scopus database. |
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About the Department of Literature of the Independence Period and Literature Theory The Department of Literature of the Period of Independence and Literary Studies is one of the first departments at SamSU. It was founded in 1927 under the name "History of Uzbek literature". Such great literary scholars as A. Fitrat, S. Ayniy, A. Sadiy, V. Abdullayev, and O. Sharafiddinov contributed greatly to the formation of the department. In 1984, the department of modern Uzbek literature was separated from the department. Since 2015-2016 academic year it was merged and called "Department of Uzbek language and literature". Since 2017, the department has been operating under the name "Department of Literature of the Independence Period and Literary Studies." Literary scholars who have worked in the department over the years have achieved a number of successes. The results of these works are "Introduction to Literary Studies" by N. Hotamov, Sh. Kholmatov, "History of Modern Uzbek Literature" by D. Shermukhammedov, "Theory of Literary Studies", "Foundations of Art Creation", "Theory of Literature" by H. Umurov, which serve as textbooks for students of philological departments of higher educational institutions of our republic. |
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From the very beginning, the department's staff have been combining pedagogical work with research work and have achieved good results. Samarkand scientists in different years defended doctoral dissertations on modern Uzbek literature. Among them are: Orif Ikromov (1970), Sadulla Mirzaev (1973), Nuriddin Shukurov (1973), Rahim Mukimov (1975), Hotam Umurov (1984), Shavkat Kholmatov (1986), Isroil Mirzaev (1991), Shavkat Khasanov (2004), Abdurahim Soliev (2012 ), Azmiddin Nosirov (2017), Mahfuza Davronova (2019), Usmon Kobilov (2019), and many graduate students, doctoral students, and young researchers have in different years defended PhD theses with the help of the department. Most of them work at universities and pedagogical institutes, institutions, publishing houses, newspapers and magazines in different cities and regions of Uzbekistan, have contributed and are contributing to the development of science, school and education in our country. Professors and lecturers of the department work on the basis of today's requirements. Textbooks, teaching aids, educational and methodical manuals, methodical recommendations prepared by the department are created on the basis of new pedagogical technologies. At present time 5 Doctors of Science, professors, 4 PhD - 3 associate professors, 1 lecturer work in the department, in total 9 professors-teachers work in the department. At present, A. Toshpulatov, D. Jabborova, and D. Khursanov are working on their doctoral dissertation. |
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The activity of "Shalola" and "Followers of Behbudi" circles has become more active under the department. Members of the circles are honored by their participation in various events at the university and regional levels. One of the future goals of our department is to support the activities of faculty members who are currently pursuing doctoral theses, to help them achieve their goals. Professors and lecturers of our department conduct trainings based on new pedagogical technologies in accordance with modern requirements. Today the department has a library of new scientific and fiction books. All students of the department use this library. There are books in the library that correspond to the ideas of the new ideology of independence. In the future, our professors and teachers are expected to further expand the library collection. |
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To date, teachers of the department have created more than 30 textbooks, teaching aids, texts of lectures, educational and methodical manuals, collections and instructions. More than 20 monographs, more than 10 collections of scientific articles, more than 800 scientific articles have been published. The department conducts research on the main topic "Poetics of literary genera and genres". Prominent scientists who graduated from the department: Professor Khotam Ikromovich Umurov - Honored Mentor of the Youth of Uzbekistan; Professor Nuriddin Shukurov - Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan; Professor Saydulla Mirzoev - Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan; |
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Educational disciplines taught at the department Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Photos from the department's activities