Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis, Samarkand State University
Заведующий кафедрой математической физики и функционального анализа Самаркандского государственного университета, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, академик
Лакаев Саидахмат Норжигитович
+99897 780 65 36
Saidakhmat Lakaev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician. Since 1978, he has been working in various positions at the Department of Functional Analysis of Samarkand State University. In 1981 he defended his Ph.D., and in 1992 - his doctoral dissertation in the field of mathematical physics. Winner of a grant from the International Soros Foundation. He is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the American Mathematical Society. Winner of a grant from the German DAAD Foundation. Since 1994, for several years, he headed the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis. Head of the grants of the German fund DFG for cooperation between Uzbek-German groups. He is a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the specialized council of the National University of Uzbekistan. Fulbright Scholar. Active member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2017. Academician Saidakhmat Lakaev is a well-known scientist who created the scientific school "Mathematical analysis and its applications in modern mathematical physics" recognized by the international scientific community in the field of spectral theory of linear operators and mathematical physics.
More than 160 scientific articles by Saidakhmat Lakaev have been published in various scientific journals, including more than 60 scientific articles in prestigious journals in the USA, England, Germany, Russia and other developed countries included in the international SCOPUS database. To date, 5 Doctors of Science and 13 Candidates of Science have been trained.
Saidakhmat Lakaev introduced a class of linear operators called the generalized Friedrichs model into the spectral theory of linear operators and mathematical physics, and developed a new method such as the application of the Fredholm determinant to the study of bound states and resonances of this model and two- and two- and three-particle systems.
Mathematicians of our country and abroad recognize Saidakhmat Lakaev as a scientist who created a rigorous mathematical theory of Schrödinger operators, suitable for a many-particle system on a lattice. Acute mathematical intuition and deep analytical knowledge of the academician allowed him to be the first in science to prove the existence of the Efimov effect (phenomenon) for a system of three identical particles in a three-dimensional lattice and to separate the surface of the quasi-momentums of the system where the Efimov effect exists.
One of the important results of Saidakhmat Lakaev's doctoral dissertation is the discovery of a new effect (phenomenon) similar to the Efimov effect, which does not occur continuously for a system of three arbitrary particles in a three-dimensional grid.
The academician introduced new concepts of L-even and L-odd functions, which can be included in school textbooks and widely used in the study of systems of two and three particles on a lattice. About 60 articles by Saidakhmad Lakaev have been published in the Scopus database editions. Hirsch index 13, number of citations 503. More than 50 articles have been published in the international database Web of Science. H-index 14, number of citations 547. Also, more than 150 articles have been published in publications of the international database Google Scholar.
Employees of the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis
Makhmudov Olimzhan Ishankulovich Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. She has been working at the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis of SamSU since 1990. In 2005-2018, he was awarded the DAAD German scholarship 6 times. Conducts scientific research on the topic of his doctoral dissertation "Problems of analytic continuation of solving systems of generalized elliptic equations." Olimzhan Makhmudov has published articles at 20 international and republican conferences, in 20 VAK magazines. During his career he published 2 guidelines, about 200 scientific articles. About 40 articles have been published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. |
Niyozov Ikbol Ergashevich Кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент. С 1995 года работает на математическом факультете кафедры математической физики и функционального анализа СамГУ. В 1996 году успешно защитил кандидатскую диссертацию на тему «Проблема Эоши на плоскости для системы теории упругости». Икбол Ниёзов является членом редакции 1 международного журнала. За свою карьеру он опубликовал 4 учебных пособия и 90 научных статей. 20 статей опубликованы в базах данных Scopus и Web of Science. |
Khurramov Abdimajid Molikovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of physical and mathematical sciences. She has been working at the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis of SamSU since 2003. In 2018 he successfully defended his PhD thesis. Abdimajid Khurramov is the author of about 15 scientific articles. 8 articles published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. |
Latipov Sherdor Mirzoevich Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. She has been working at the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis of SamSU since 2009. In 2017, he successfully defended his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation in physics and mathematics. In total, he published 28 scientific papers on the topic of the dissertation, of which 6 articles were published in scientific journals recommended for the publication of the main scientific results of doctoral dissertations of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan. |
Abdukhakimov Saidakbar Khazratkulovich Assistant of the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis, Samarkand State University. In 2021, he successfully defended his PhD thesis. She has been working at the department since 2021. During the activity of Saidakbar Abdukhakimov, 2 articles were published in foreign journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, and 3 articles in republican journals under the Higher Attestation Commission. |
Pardaev Zhasur Abdujalilovich She has been working at the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis of SamSU since 2021. Conducts scientific work on the topic "Determining the state of fixing the plate for given specific frequencies." Scientific articles by Jasur Pardaev are published in 1 Scopus database, 1 international and 2 national journals. |
Abduvaitov Saidakbar Saidurasulovich She has been working at the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis of SamSU since 2022. Saidakbar Abduvaitov published 2 scientific articles and 2 abstracts for his work. |
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About the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis The Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis of Samarkand State University was established in 2003 under the name "Mathematical Physics" in recognition of the establishment of a scientific school in the field of mathematics and physics at Samarkand State University as a result of the initiative and efforts of Professor Saidakhmat Lakaev. The history of the Department of Mathematical Physics is directly related to the Department of Functional Analysis: The Department of Functional Analysis was established in 1971 on the initiative and efforts of Associate Professor H.A. Abdullayev. The Department of Functional Analysis was headed by Associate Professors Kh. Abdullaev, Sh. In 1997, the Department of Mathematical Analysis was separated from the Department of Function Theory and Functional Analysis. In 2003, on the basis of the Department of Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis, two new departments were created - the Departments of Mathematical Physics and Theory of Functions. Since 2011, the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Theory has been renamed into the Department of Mathematical Physics and Functional Analysis. Since 2016, the department has been headed by academician Saidakhmat Lakaev. |
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Study programs taught at the department Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Photos from the life of the department