Department of the History of Classical Literature of Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of History of Classical Literature of
Samarkand State University
Sulaymonov Isroil Isomiddinovich
+99897 5768103
Isroil Sulaymonov is a doctor of philological sciences. Since 2008, he has worked in various positions at the Department of the History of Uzbek Literature at Samarkand State University. Since 2020, he has been the head of the Department of History of Classical Literature at Samarkand State University. In 2010 he successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Mullah Mahmud Koriy and his poetic heritage", and in 2020 he successfully defended his doctoral thesis on "Artistic representation of the state of mind of the victor and the vanquished in boburnom". During his career he has published 3 monographs, is the author of 3 textbooks and 2 manuals, about 100 scientific articles, and the scientist has published 8 articles in Scopus, Web of Science and other prestigious international journals.
Staff of the Department of the History of Classical Literature
Mukhiddinov Muslikhiddin Kutbiddinovich;
Muslikhiddin Mukhiddinov is an honored mentor of the youth of Uzbekistan, holder of the Order of El-Yurt Hurmati, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor. The scholar is an experienced specialist in the history of Uzbek literature. He is one of the active successors of Samarkand literary school. Since 1971, he has been working at Samarkand State University. In 1972 he defended his doctoral dissertation titled "Bahrom and Dilorom" and "Bahrom and Gulandom" in Uzbek classical literature and epics from the cycle (evolution of "Bahrom Gur" plot in Uzbek classical literature); in 1995 -doctoral dissertation titled "Human concept in the works of Alisher Navoi and his predecessors (based on the first epic "Khamsa")". In his researches Muslimhiddin Mukhiddinov paid much attention to the interpretations of the concept of a perfect man in classical literature. During his scholarly career, the scientist published 12 monographs, 18 textbooks, over 300 scientific and theoretical articles. |
Tursunova Maxkamoy Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Since 2024, she has been working at the Department of Classical Literature History at Samarkand State University (SamDU). Author of 2 monographs, 2 textbooks, and 8 educational and methodological guides. Furthermore, the scholar has published articles in 4 journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. |
Toshniyozova Dilfuza Polvonovna Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology. Since 2022, she has been working at the Department of Classical Literature History at Samarkand State University (SamDU). She defended her PhD dissertation on the topic "Textual and Ideological-Aesthetic Analysis of Ibn Davlat’s Literary Heritage." The scholar has published more than 20 articles in international and national journals. |
Xolikulova Gulsanam Yorqulovna Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD). Since 2002, she has been working at the Department of Classical Literature History at Samarkand State University (SamDU). She defended her PhD dissertation on the topic "Analysis and Interpretation of Ochil Murod Miriy’s 'Rustam and Suhrab.'" Author of 1 monograph and 3 educational and methodological guides. |
Tohirov Sobirjon Kobilovich
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2003 he has been working at the Department of History of Classical Literature at SamSU. In 2005 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Sequential Plots in Uzbek Classical Literature and "Noh Manzar". During his activity Sobirjon Tokhirov published 1 monograph, 1 brochure, 2 textbooks and 3 manuals. |
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Мухиддинова Назмия Муслихиддиновна;
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Since 2007 she has been working at the Department of History of Classical Literature at SamSU. In 2017 she received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Philological Sciences on the topic "Mirhasan Sadoy and his literary heritage (poetics of poetry, issues of ideological and artistic analysis)", in 2021 she defended her doctoral thesis on "Poetic perfection of Salafist tradition in Uzbek poetry of XVIII-first half of XIX centuries (On the example of Muhammad Gozi and Mirhasan Sadoy's works)". Nazmiya Mukhiddinova prepared for publication the divans of Mirhasan Sadoi, Muhammad Gozi, one of the hitherto unexplored poets of the Kokan literary environment, from manuscripts and lithographic copies. For the time of her scientific and methodical activity she has published 3 monographs, 1 textbook, 1 manual, 4 educational and methodical aids, and her articles were published in more than 80 international and national editions.
Khasanova Mashkhura Dzhumanovna Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences. Since 2019 she has been working at the Department of History of Classical Literature at SamSU. In 2018 she defended her PhD thesis in philological sciences on "The genre of Kasid in Turkish poetry of the fifteenth century". About 30 scientific articles by Mashhura Hasanova have been published in journals indexed in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar, in journals of the VAK list, in national journals, in collections of international and national conferences. In 2020 German publisher Lap Lambert published a monograph "Genre of Ode in 15th Century Turkish Poetry" and one textbook and one teaching aid. The Hirsch index is 1 in the researchgate scientific database, the Hirsch index is 6 in the Google Scholar database.
Muminova Dilorom Davronovna
Since 2018 she has been working as an assistant at the Department of History of Classical Literature of the Faculty of Philology at SamSU. During her career Dilorom Muminova published 1 textbook, about 20 scientific articles in journals included in the VAK list, collections of international and national conferences. In 2023 Dilorom Muminova defended her PhD thesis on Uzbek literature on the topic "Non-Christian tradition and development of lyrical genres in Turkish poetry (on the example of XIV-XV centuries poetry)". |
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About the Department of the History of Classical Literature The establishment of the Samarkand Higher Pedagogical Institute in 1927 marked the beginning of a new stage in the system of higher education. From this period also began its activity the department of history of Uzbek literature, founded under the leadership of the first Uzbek professor Abdurauf Fitrat. One of the first scientific centers created in Samarkand State University, which since 1930 was called pedagogical academy, and since 1933, the Uzbek State University, is the department of Uzbek-Tajik literature. The life and works, poetics of Abdurauf Fitrat, Ahmad Yassavi, Yusuf Khos-Hajji, Ahmad Yugnaki, Alisher Navoi, Mashrab, S. Aini's fundamental studies on the life and works of Firdavsi, Saadi, Khusrav Dehlevi, Alisher Navoi, A. Saidi's doctoral dissertation on the life and work of Firdavsi, Khusrav Dehlevi and Alisher Navoi, and the work of A. Saidi. The work of A. Saadi on "The Work of Alisher Navoi as a High Stage of Uzbek Classical Literature" served as a kind of basis for the formation of Uzbek-Tajik literary studies. |
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In the late 1930s and 1940s, special attention was paid to the study of the life and work of Alisher Navoi. During this period, V. Abdullaev, who entered the field of Navoi studies, began to explore the least studied periods of the great poet and thinker - his life and literary activities in Samarqand. Since the 1940s Abdullaev turned his attention to the problems of understudied or unstudied periods of Uzbek literature. One of such periods was Uzbek literature of XVII-XVIII centuries. Since 1944, Vokhid Abdullaev began his scientific and pedagogical activity as the head of the department of Uzbek literature at the Uzbek State University named after Alisher Navoi. For many years, he sought to create a school of literary studies in Samarqand. The efforts of the teacher-mentor Vokhid Abdullaev brought together a group of accomplished scholars who had a significant impact on the development of literary studies, particularly in the history of Uzbek and Tajik literature. The scientific and pedagogical activities of major literary scholars and textologists B. Valihujaev, M. Kosimova, N. Shukurov, S. Mirzaev, R. Orzibekov, O. Ikramov, I. Salokhi, S. Sadiev, S. Khalimov, Sh. Shukurov, K. Tahirov, A. Abdurakhmonov, and Sh. Kholmatov under the leadership of Academician V. Abdullaev in Samarqand in the 1960s and 1970s, indicates that literary studies has reached the level of a scientific school. |
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The main branch of the school of literary studies founded by academician Vahid Abdullaev is aimed to the study of classical literature and classical poetics, the flowering of which, going beyond our country and attracting the attention of the world scientific community, is associated with the name of a worthy pupil of his mature mentor B. Valihujaev. Honorary Scientist of Uzbekistan, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Botirkhon Valikhujaev, who received such prestigious awards as "Samarqandning ilmiy vijdoni" and "Olimu fozillar botiri", dedicated his entire life to science and conducted comprehensive studies of actual problems not only in Uzbek literature, but also in Persian-Tajik one. For the first time in Uzbek literary criticism, Botir Valihujaev had comprehensively researched the history of epic poetry as an integral phenomenon, the diversity of genres and styles, the stages of formation and development of epic writing, tradition and innovation, in particular, fiction translation and fiction. Tradition revealed scientific conclusions and logical foundations of such issues as the mixing of mothers. The works on "Yusuf and Zuleiha" and the epic "Ravzai asror" by Olim Devon, Hiromi's translations, especially Ochildimurod Miriya and his "Rano and Zebo", "Kissai Salim Javahari", "Majiddin and Fakhrunniso", "Rustam and Suhrob" analyses were presented to the scientific community. As a result of the scientist's painstaking scientific observations over the years, separate publications titled "From the History of the Uzbek Epic" and "Miriy and His Contemporaries" (co-authored with V. Abdullayev) appeared. |
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A prominent scholar of the Samarkand school of literary studies, Rahmonqul Orzibekov, has been seriously engaged in studying a new, relatively underexplored topic in Uzbek literary studies since the 1960s – the theory, poetics, comparative analysis, and developmental stages of lyrical genres in Uzbek classical poetry. The rise and expansion of the Samarkand school of literary studies owes much to the contributions of the late professors and scholars of the department, such as R. Orzibekov, Q. Tohirov, and A. Abdurahmonov, as well as to the current prominent scholars M. Muhiddinov and D. Salohiy, who are leading and guiding the department today. Professor M. Muhiddinov, through nearly fifty years of scientific research, has been focusing on the works of Alisher Navoi and his predecessors in the tradition of "Khamsa" writing, shedding light on unexplored aspects of the "Khamsa" tradition and discovering new facets. Currently, the department has 2 full professors, 1 associate professor, 1 professor with a PhD, 3 associate professors with a PhD, and 3 PhD teachers working actively. |
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The members of the department maintain close ties with the NUUz, Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, FarGU, AnGU, TashPU, GulGU, BukhGU, KarGU, TerGU, Navoi and Jizzak universities, and related departments of higher educational institutions in the republic, Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Mugli Sitki Kocman University of Turkey, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Kazan State University, Ural State University as well as a number of universities of Iran, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan. The department has student scientific societies "Classical Literature and Modernity" and "Norms of Poetics". More than 50 textbooks, manuals, texts of lectures, educational and methodical aids, collections and recommendations were created by the teachers of the department. Also they have published more than 30 monographs, about 50 popular science booklets, more than 30 scientific collections, about 1000 scientific articles and more than 200 popular science articles. To date, the department conducts scientific research on "Issues of creativity and literary influence of Alisher Navoi (2021-2025)". |
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Famous scholars who graduated from the department: Professor Abdurauf Fitrat (1886-1938) - one of the founders of the department of the history of Uzbek literature. Abdurahmon Sadii (1894-1976) was one of the founders of the department of the history of Uzbek literature. Vokhid Abdullaev (1912-1985) was an honored worker of science, academician of Uzbekistan. Botirhon Valikhujaev (1932-2005) - Honored Scientist, Academician of Uzbekistan. Rakhmonkul Orzibekov (1931-2011) - Doctor of Philology, Professor Kobiljon Tokhirov (1936-2008) - candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Abdurashid Abdurahmonov - PhD in philology, professor Muslimhiddin Mukhiddinov, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, "Honored Mentor of the Youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan", holder of the "El-Yurt Hurmati" Order. Dilorom Salokhiy - Doctor of Philology, Professor, "Honored Mentor of Youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan". |
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Educational disciplines taught at the department
Master's curriculum
Photos from the department's activities