Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics of the Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University
Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics of Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University
Eshkobilov Napas Beknazarovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Specialist scientist in the field of optics, laser physics and physical spectroscopy. Author of more than 100 scientific articles (including 57 in Scopus and Web Of Science), 4 textbooks and teaching aids. During his career, he led 1 international and 3 national scientific fundamental and practical projects. He is the author of the textbook “Introduction to Atomic Spectroscopy”, the textbooks “Quantum Mechanics”, “Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics” and “Fundamentals of Laser Biomedicine”.
Staff of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics, Institute of Engineering Physics
Sabirov Leonard Muhammedzhanovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, laureate of the State Beruni Prize, holder of the Order of Mehnat Shukhrati. Founder of the scientific school “Nonlinear Optics” in Samarkand. During his career, Professor Leonard Sabirov led the implementation of 3 international, 10 national fundamental scientific and 3 practical projects. Based on the results of scientific research conducted by scientists in such areas as quantum electronics, radiophysics, molecular spectroscopy of spatial transitions and critical phenomena, 8 textbooks, 10 textbooks, 1 monograph, and more than 300 scientific papers have been published. linklink |
Ibodov Rustam Mustafoevich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Member of the Society of Physicists of the Republic of Uzbekistan. One of the founders of the scientific school of theoretical physics in Samarkand. During his career, Rustam Ibodov led the implementation of 4 international and 3 national fundamental scientific projects. Professor Rustam Ibodov conducts scientific research to find new solutions to Einstein's equations. More than 136 scientific papers have been published in prestigious scientific journals (Scopus, Web of Science) and currently the H-index in the Scopus database is 7. |
Semenov Denis Ivanovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor. Since 2000 he has been working at the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics. In 2016, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Dynamics of order parameter fluctuations in liquids and their manifestation in optical and acoustic phenomena.” To date, he is the author of more than 70 scientific works, including 4 textbooks and more than 30 (Scopus, Web of science) articles. |
Khaidarov Khayrillo Safarovich Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2000 he has been working at the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics. In 2010, he successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Scattering spectra of fine structure near a special point of aqueous solutions.” To date, he is the author of more than 70 scientific works, including 5 textbooks, and more than 30 articles (Scopus, Web of science). |
Ismailov Fakhriddin Raimovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor has been working at the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics since 2007. In 2021, he successfully defended his thesis on the topic “Study of Landau-Placzek relationships in non-electrolyte aqueous solutions using molecular light scattering spectra.” To date, he is the author of more than 50 scientific works, including 2 textbooks, more than 10 articles (Scopus, Web of science). |
Saidullaev Usmanali Dzhuraevich Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in physical and mathematical sciences. Since 2003 he has been working at the Department of Theoretical Physics of Samarkand State University. In 2019, Usmonali Saidullaev defended his PhD thesis in physical and mathematical sciences on the topic “Development and numerical analysis of hydrodynamic models of floating and suspension leaks.” During his career, he is the author of 6 textbooks and more than 50 scientific articles. 10 articles published in SCOPUS databases. |
Umidullaev Shavkat Ubaydullaevich Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics. Shavkat Umidullaev has been working as a teacher at the Department of Theoretical Physics since 1994. The total number of published scientific works by Shavkat Umidullaev is more than 100, 7 articles were published in foreign and central publications, republican and local publications, the rest were published in collections of international and prestigious conferences. Author of 7 teaching aids. Textbooks “Solving problems of thermodynamics”, “Solving problems of statistical physics”, “Problems of thermodynamics and statistical physics”, “Solving problems of electrodynamics”, teaching aids “Laws of thermodynamics”, “Rotational and vibrational-rotational spectra of molecules”, “Instructions for implementation” term papers on thermodynamics and statistical physics” were published by SamSU Publishing House.
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History of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics The Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics was created in 2005 as a result of the merger of the Departments of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Electronics and Radiophysics with the aim of consolidating the departments. Today, 11 professors teach students at the department. Of these, 4 are doctors of science, professors, 4 candidates of science (PhD), associate professors. The department offers master's and doctoral programs in two areas: theoretical physics and laser physics. 5 doctoral students and 1 trainee researcher, who are the reserve of the department, conduct scientific research on the topics of dissertations. Scientific research is carried out on the basis of international and republican scientific grants in 3 areas of physics (theoretical physics, nonlinear optics, laser spectroscopy) and the plan of the university research institute, and is also staffed with highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. are prepared on their basis. At the department, research work is carried out in 3 scientific laboratories of the department. The laboratories are equipped with modern equipment; the department's researchers have developed and assembled unique experimental instruments. The results of the research work of the department's researchers are published in our republican and foreign scientific journals, as well as in the materials of international and republican conferences and symposia. Over the past 5 years, the department’s staff has published more than 100 scientific papers. |
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The creation of the Department of Theoretical Physics at the Faculty is associated with the opening in 1935 of the Departments of Optics and Theoretical Physics. The first head of the department was Professor A. Pedder, lectures on theoretical physics were given by famous scientists, professors Y. Krutov, R. Bronstein, associate professors M. Mullin, M. Mandel, E. Konturova. After the war, the department resumed its activities again in 1953, it was headed by associate professor M. Batnov. At this time, lectures on certain sections of theoretical physics were given by Professor F. Frankel, a famous scientist in the field of relativistic gas dynamics. The training of specialists in theoretical physics at the department began in 1956. At this time, the department was headed by L. Yakovlev, later his students R. Safarov, O. Pardaev. By 1987, the number of employees of the Department of Theoretical Physics reached 10. During this period, associate professors V. Khamdamov, R. Kadiev, Zh. Khalikova, Y. Grudsky, O. Shuman, I. Ortikov, O. Pardaev, S. Makhmudov, worked at the department. M. Seit-Enon, senior lecturer E. Kasimov. In 1989, the department hosted an All-Union conference dedicated to the “Theory of Gravity.” |
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Профессор Рустам Ибодов и старший преподаватель Сайдуллаев получили грант Президента Узбекистана “Фонд талантов”, а профессор Рустам Ибодов - грант Венгерской академии наук, гранты DAAD Германии (2 раза), Volkswagen Stivtung (2 раза), итальянской Landay Network, а также грант «Национальные системы квалификаций: Руководящие принципы, направленные на развитие квалификационных систем и их признание» ЕС NURSLING, получил исследовательские гранты на доведение учебного процесса до уровня зарубежных университетов. В сотрудничестве с немецкими учеными профессором Ютто Кунцом и доцентом Буркхардом Кляйхаусом провели исследования по поиску новых решений модернизированных уравнений гравитации Эйнштейна, которые проводились в течение 2004-2020 годов. Найдены решения для гнезд массовых свай Eynshteyn-Yang-Mills, усиленных фантомными полями, и результаты представлены и опубликованы в престижных журналах Phys. Rev., Phys. Lett. va Grav. Cosmol. Научно-исследовательские работы проводятся в сотрудничестве с сотрудниками Европейского центра ядерных исследований (CERN), университетов Неаполя, Пизы и Милана (Италия), Олденбургского университета (Германия), Университета Альберто (Канада). |
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In 1974, the Scientific Laboratory of Nonlinear Optics was created under the leadership of professors Leonard Sobirov and L. Fabelinsky. Later, in 1992, the Department of Quantum Electronics and Radiophysics was created on the basis of this laboratory. The purpose of creating the department is to train specialists in the field of quantum electronics and nonlinear optics, to train highly qualified scientific and teaching personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies. The main direction of scientific research of this laboratory was the study of phase transitions around critical points and the interaction of laser radiation with substances (substances with nonlinear susceptibility). Scientific work was carried out jointly with research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the defense industry. Since the creation of the laboratory, international and republican grants have been and are being implemented on more than 20 research topics in various sectors of the national economy. |
Photos from the activities of the department