Head of the department

Normurodova Guzal Bekmurodovna

  •  Reception days: Everyday (8:00 -16:00)
  •  Phone number: +99891 5284529
  •  Email: guzal.sam@mail.ru


2001-2005 - student of Samarkand State University
2005-2007 - Master student of Samarkand State University
2007-2013 - Lecturer, Department of History of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University
2013-2014 - Acting Associate Professor, Department of History of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University
2014-2016 - Senior Researcher, Samarkand State University
2017-2019 - Associate Professor, Department of History of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University
From 2019 - head of the department "History of Uzbekistan" of Samarkand State University


Department of History of Uzbekistan: yesterday and today

    The “History of Uzbekistan” department was founded in 1929–1937 at the “Higher Pedagogical Institute” (1927–1930), “Academy of Higher Pedagogy” (1930–1933) of the Uzbek State University under the name “History of Central Asia”. In 1937-1941 continued its activities as a department of the history of the people of Uzbekistan. In 1944, after the reorganization of the Uzbek State University, it continued its activities as a department “History of Central Asia and foreign countries”. In 1959–1994, the department was called the “History of the People of Uzbekistan”, and in 1994–2005 it was called the “History of the Fatherland”. Since 2005, the department "History of the Fatherland" joined the department "History of Uzbekistan" with its current name.

    For all of its activities, the department was supervised by the following scientists and teachers:

1929-1937 professor Pulat Saliyev (1878-1937);
1945-1966 Honored Worker of Science of Uzbekistan, Professor I. I. Umnyakov (1894-1976);
1966-1971 Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Professor M.S. Aminov (1908-1992);
1971-1982 Associate Professor S.Akramov, Honored Worker of National Education in Uzbekistan (1917-1993);
1982-1998 Honored Worker of National Education in Uzbekistan, awarded the Order “Dustlik”, Professor M.M Abramov (1926-1998);
1998-2005 Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor N.Kh.Tashkenbayev
2005-2010 Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Sh.S.Gaffarov
2010-2018 Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor R.Sh.Holikulov;
2018-2019 Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. X.M.Mamaraghimov
2019-2021 Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor B.S.Gayibov

Since 2021 Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Guzal Normurodova.

    The department "History of Uzbekistan" is a leading scientific and pedagogical society of the university and faculty. Currently, the department has 4 doctors of sciences, 2 professors and 2 associate professors, 4 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 4 PhD, 1 senior teachers and 6 teachers. Doctors of historical sciences Sh.S. G’afforov F.H. Nabiyev, B.S. G`oyibov, G.B. Normurodova, associate professors: Kholikulov R.Sh., Nasrullaev M.I., K.Ganiev, J.B.Vafayeva,  PhD. S.A.Djumanov, F.A.Narmonov, Z.J.Akbayeva, D,Haydarov, B. Rakhimov, Associate teachers: Sh.H. Khasanova, J.R.Turdialiyev, A.Xoliqulov, conduct lecture and seminar classes in all faculties of the university. The department has developed more 20 subjects and special courses in the specialty "History of Uzbekistan" courses of lectures. More than 40 textbooks, electronic textbooks, and textbooks have been published for students. Leading experts of the republic and abroad are invited to give lectures. The faculty of the department provides methodological assistance in the study of the history of Uzbekistan in neighboring regions, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, and secondary schools in Samarkand. The department has a great scientific potential in the republic. He conducted and conducts numerous research works by members of the community on the history of Uzbekistan and the new lighting in accordance with modern requirements. As a result, more 20 monographs, 50 scientific collections, more 30 specialty teaching aids, more than 800 scientific articles and more than 200 popular science articles were published. In particular, the professor. P. Soliev “Buxoro mang’itlar sulolasi davrida” (1933), Professor I. Umnyakov “Библиографический обзор работа кадемика В.В. Бартольда ”(Moscow, 1975), N.Х.Tashkenbayev “Zarafshon vodiysining qadimgi tosh davri madaniyati”(Tashkent, 1980) and “Qo'tirbuloq manzilgohi ”(Varakhsha, 2000, in English), S.Sh.Gaffarov “Chor istibdodi davrida Turkistondagi ta'lim tizimi "(Samarkand, 2001), "Mustamlaka davrida Samarqandda boshqaruv tizimi va sanoat ishlab chiqarishning shakllanishi" (Samarkand, 2011), “Tarix va taqdir” (Tashkent, 2012), G.B.Normuradova: "XIX asr oxiri va XX asr boshlarida Samarqand viloyati aholisi” (Samarkand, 2010),“XIX asr oxiri va XX asr boshlarida Samarqand viloyati aholisining ijtimoiy stratifikasiyasi” (Tashkent, 2013), "Buxoro amirligi ijtimoiy stratifikatsiyasi" (Toshkent, 2019), B.S.Goyibov “Sug’d konfederasiyasida Panchning o’rni (Ilk o'rta asrlar)” (Tashkent, 2012), “Devashtich" (Tashkent, 2012), "Sug'd konfederasiyasi shakllanishi taraqqiyoti va tanazzuli" (Tashkent, 2015), “Ilk orta asrlarda Sugd konfederatsiyasi tarixi” (Textbook, Samarkand, 2018), “Sugdshunoslikka kirish. I. Sugdiy yozuv va numizmatika” (Tashkent, 2018), About Confederate how Ruring of Sagd (South Korea, 2016) was warmly welcomed by the scientific community.

    The scientific collection of the department is published annually. The members of the department are the corresponding departments of NUU, FARU, IDU, TashPDU, GulDU, TerGU, Navoi and Jizzakh Pedagogical Institutes and other higher educational institutions of the republic, the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Oxford University of UK, Harvard University in the USA, Gumboldt, Berlin and Moscow State University and other.  The scientific center "History of the statehood of the Uzbek people" works at the department. There is also a scientific student section "Echo of the Past" at the department. 60-70 of them actively participated in scientific conferences. Gifted students in the department take part in various national competitions. As the team “Ulug`bek vorislari” participated in the competition “Tafakkur sinovlari” on the history of Uzbekistan, having taken the 1st place in 2012 and the 3rd place in 2013.

    Graduates of the department are laureates of presidential scholarships and winners of republican competitions. Employees of the department take part in public affairs at the faculty, at the university, city, region and republic.

    Curriculums in sciences taught at the department:


  • History of Uzbekistan
  • History of the statehood of Uzbekistan
  • History of culture and art of Uzbekistan
  • Modern history of Uzbekistan
  • Scientific heritage of Eastern scientists
  • Methods of teaching the history of Uzbekistan (grades 7-8-9)
  • Methods of teaching the history of Uzbekistan (grades 10-11)
  • History of ancient Turkic states
  • History of the education system in Uzbekistan
  • History of the early medieval Sogdian confederation.
  • History of memorial monuments and sacred places of Uzbekistan
  • History of the education system in Turkestan


  • Interethnic relations and tolerance in Uzbekistan
  • Land and water relations in Uzbekistan
  • History of trade relations and entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan
  • Uzbekistan during the colonial and Soviet times
  • Historical toponyms of Uzbekistan
  • Innovations in the history of Uzbekistan