Department of Digital Economy
Head of the department
Safarov Bahodirxon Shahriyorovich
- Reception days: every day from 14:00 to 16:00
- Phone number: +99893 345-49-29
- Email:
1994-1999 - student at Samarkand State University;
1999 -2001 - Masters student at Samarkand State University;
2001-2004 - Postgraduate student at the Samarkand branch of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan;
2001-2004 - senior manager of the company "Asklepiy" (part-time);
2005-2012 - Assistant at the Department of Social Economy, Management and Finance in Samarkand State University;
2012-2014 - Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Social Economy, Management and Finance in Samarkand State University;
2013-2015 - Acting Associate Professor of the Department of International Tourism and Tourism Service in Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service;
2014 –2016 - Senior Researcher-Applicant in Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
2015 - 2016 - Associate Professor of the Department of International Tourism and Tourism Service in Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service (part-time)
2017 - Acting Professor of the Personnel Management in the Department of Samarkand State University
2017 - 2018 - Head of the Department of Personnel Management in Samarkand State University
2018 - 2020 - Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Samarkand State University
2020 - present - Head of the Department of Digital Economy in Samarkand State University
The department "Accounting and Auditing" was founded on the basis of the decision of the rector of SamGU on November 28, 1998. №79.
Also in 2009-2015 the head of the department was R.Kushatov, in 2015-2017 he was A.Taniev, in 2017-2018 he was professor B.Sh. Safarov. Since September 2018, the head of the department was Associate Professor Usmanova D.K. In 2020, the department of "Human Resources and Business" was renamed the department of "Digital Economy". The head of the department is i.f.d., professor B.Sh. Safarov.
Today introduced a modul system, prepared and published texts of lectures, teaching materials on all subjects. In addition to professors and lecturers of the department published 5 textbooks, more than 15 textbooks and created electronic versions of lectures. The department regularly conducts scientific-methodical seminars.
The department of digital economy is working with the University of Prague and the Czech University of Natural Sciences, Granad University, Spain, Delhi University named after Dj. Neru, India, Tomsk State University, Russia, SKFU, Vysshey School of Economics, Perm University, Kazan International University.
Professors in the departments of the former actively uchastvuyut in scientific, methodical, spiritual-educational work.
Nachinaya s 2018-2019 uchebnogo goda, s uchetom potrebnosti v podgotovke spetsialistov v sootvetstvii s trebovaniyami ekonomiki, on the initiative of the department otkrыta magistratura po spetsialnosti 5A231701 - Personnel management. From 2019-2020 uchebnogo year otkrыta magistratura po spetsialnosti 5A234101 - Tsifrovaya ekonomika.
On the initiative of the Department of Digital Economy in collaboration with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 25, 2019 No 133-f was held International Scientific Conference "Revival of Palomnic Tourism".
In addition, on the basis of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 29-30, 2020 at the Samarkand State University held an international online scientific conference on "Digital Economy: Problems, Solutions, Prospects."
Thus, in 2020-2021, in the academic year on the basis of international educational programs, organized by the Department of "Digital Economy" in conjunction with foreign higher education institutions, opened the following 5 directions:
bachelor's degree
- Digital economy (by sectors and sectors);
- Economics (by sectors and sectors);
Step master
- International relations and modern political processes,
- Corporate finances and markets tsennyx bumag (po otraslyam),
- Management of human resources.
In the current period, the department works i.f.d., professor B.Safarov, candidates of science, associate professors D.Usmanova, R.Kushatov, T.Raxmonov, A.Mardanova, T.Bakaev, A.Taniev, senior lecturer O.Ernazarov , assistants: I.Ayubov, S.Bobokulov, N.Davlatov, Z.Bakaev, X.Mansurov, the level of scientific potential of the department is 60%. Prepodayutsya subjects "Statistics", "Innovation management", "Logistics", "Accounting", "Insurance", "Finance and credit", "Innovation economy" and others.
Special attention of the department is given to work with gifted students. In connection with this, the department operates an established system "Teacher - Student". In particular, under the leadership of Associate Professor Usmanov D.K. in 2017-2018 uchebnom godu B.Sadullaeve, in 2018-2019 uchebnom godu I.Umirovu, in 2019-2020 uchebnom godu Yu.Shamsievu bыla prisujdena Gosudarstvennaya stipendiya im. Navoi. Krome togo, na kafre rabotaet nauchnыy kruzhok studentov «Molodoy bukhgalter».
Uchebniki «Turizm: teoriya i praktika», «Finansy i nalogi», «Osnovy tsifrovoy ekonomiki», «Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye ekonomicheskie otnosheniya» podgotovleny professorami i prepodavatelyami kafdry, Respublikstvom vysshego i. rekomenduetsya as a textbook for students. Atakje uchebnye posobiya kak «Statistika», «Osnovy ekonometriki», «Buxgalterskiy uchet», «Informatsionnye i kommunikatsionnye tehnologii v natsionalnoy ekonomike», «Upravlenie innovatsiyami», «Kadrovyy konsulting i audit», «Marketing», «Effektivnaya “Finance and Credit”, “Personnel Management”, “Innovative Personnel Management”, “Service and Tourism”, “Quality Management”, “Leadership Management” are published in mass circulation. Received testimonials from the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (№ DGU 04691) «Methodical computer program to assess the effectiveness of tourism products» (№ DGU 05548). The electronic textbook "Tourism: Theory and Practice" also received a certificate from the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (№ DGU 04690).