Head of Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy of Samarkand State University

Eshburiev Rashid Majidovich

+998 97 399 89 19  eshburiyev0082@gmail.com

    Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 2011-2017 he was the dean of the Faculty of Physics at Samarkand State University, and since November 2017 he has been the head of the Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy. In 1985-1988 he graduated from graduate school at the Kyiv State University named after T. Shevchenko. In 1989, he defended his PhD thesis at the Institute of Thermophysics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan on the topic “Vibrational spectroscopy of probe molecules in aqueous micellar and inert solvents.”

      Rashid Eshburiev is the author of about 120 scientific and methodological articles. In particular, 21 scientific articles and materials of 40 scientific conferences (18 international conferences) were published. More than 30 methodological and educational manuals (6 textbooks) related to disciplines and laboratories have been published under his authorship. During 2017-2022, he created educational and methodological complexes in 25 disciplines, including nuclear physics, nuclear technology and nuclear energy, applied nuclear physics, as well as educational and work training programs in about 30 disciplines. Over the next 3 years, the Faculty of Physics, for the first time in the republic, conducts course work for undergraduate students in the subject “Fundamentals of Physical Ecology,” and in 2022, an educational, methodological and training manual in 2 parts was published on this subject.








                                                         Staff of the Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy

Gulzhakhon Akhmedova


Professor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2016 he has been working at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy. In 1981, she successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Study of radioactivity of environmental objects using the method of semiconductor gamma spectrometry.”

More than 170 scientific papers have been published under the authorship of Gulzhakhon Akhmedova. In particular, 15 educational literature, 2 monographs, 1 textbook, 7 teaching aids, 2 teaching aids and 3 lecture texts were published. More than 30 scientific and popular science articles have been published.






Khasanov Kholmurod Khasanovich


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Since 2017 he has been working at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy. Until 2017, he worked at Moscow State University. In 1991 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Use of supersonic flow energy for processing biopolymers.”

Kholmurod Khasanov is the author of articles in more than 15 foreign magazines.

Mamatkulov Orifzhon Bakhromovich


Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2018 he has been working at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy. In 2002, Mamatkulov Orifzhon successfully defended his thesis on the topic “Gamma spectrometric study of the reserves and migration of Cs-137 in the soils of some territories of Uzbekistan.”

During his career, Orifjon Mamatkulov has 1 textbook, 3 methodological manuals and more than 100 scientific articles.














Aliev Nuriddin Alievich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2022 he has been working at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy. In 1978, Nuriddin Aliyev defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Spatial distribution function of EAS Cherenkov radiation with an energy of 1015-1016 eV at a level of 940 g/cm2.”

During his career, Nuriddin Aliyev published more than 5 scientific papers. Including 5 teaching aids and more than 50 scientific articles published in international journals and scientific conferences. In addition, in 1975-1980, he developed 7 laboratory works for the course “Connecting physical devices to computers and automation of calculations” and applied them in the educational process.








Safarov Askar Narimanovich


Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He started working at the department in 2021. In 1998, Askar Safarov successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Study of the scattering of bremsstrahlung gamma radiation from electrons with an energy of 13 MeV.”

During his career, Askar Safarov published more than 130 scientific papers. Among them are articles in 65 scientific journals, articles and abstracts in 66 conference proceedings. Since September 2022, Askar Safarov has been working as the head of the Scientific and Educational Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy of the Institute of Engineering Physics of Samarkand State University.









Safarov Akmal Askarovich


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in physical and mathematical sciences. He began working at the department in 2019. In 2021, Akmal Safarov received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in physics and mathematics on the topic “Study of low activity objects of the natural environment. A new approach to gamma spectroscopy” received a Ph.D. degree in physics and mathematics.

Akmal Safarov has published about 33 scientific articles and abstracts at 32 international and local conferences. In addition, he is the author of 1 methodological manual and the leader of 4 international projects.







Mirtoshev Zavkiddin Davronovich


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in physical and mathematical sciences. In 2011-2019 he worked at the Department of Astrophysics, and since 2019 he has been working at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy. In 2022, he successfully defended his thesis on “Coronal mass ejections: their changes during the solar cycle and their impact on space weather.”

During his scientific and pedagogical activities, Zavkiddin Mirtoshev published more than 32 scientific articles and theses. 8 of them were published in international and national scientific journals, the rest were published at international and national scientific conferences.

















Nurmurodov Lochin Tirkashevich


Assistant at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy, Samarkand State University. Since 2016 he has been working at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy.

More than 20 scientific papers have been published under the authorship of Lochin Nurmurodov. In particular, there are 2 textbooks and more than 20 scientific articles.


Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy


Professors and teachers who headed the department of “Nuclear Physics and Astronomy”:

  • 1944-1969, professor Muminov Muso Muminovich;
  • 1969-1972, associate professor Muminov Maksud Musaevich;
  • 1973-1978, associate professor Nemat Badalovich Badalov;
  • 1978-1983, associate professor Khalikulov Amriddin Bobobekovich;
  • 1983-1988, professor Ibadov Rustam Mustafaevich;
  • 1988-1998, professor Muminov Maksud Musaevich;
  • 1999-2010, associate professor Khushmurodov Shaimon Kholmonovich;
  • 2011-2014, Professor Ibadov Rustam Mustafaevich;
  • 2014-2017, associate professor Khushmurodov Shaimon Kholmonovich;
  • Since 2017, Associate Professor Eshburiev Rashid Madzhidovich has been working as the head of the department.


 The Department of Nuclear Physics was created in 1927 as part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, and since 1961 - as part of the Faculty of Physics. Professor Muminov Muso Muminovich, a prominent scientist and statesman who served as rector of the university in 1944-1953, was the first to begin research in the field of nuclear physics at the university and created the scientific school “Nuclear Physics”. Dozens of doctors and candidates of science have graduated from the Department of Nuclear Physics. Among them are Professor M. Muminov, Academician T. Muminov, Professor U. Salikhbaev, Professor I. Kholboev, Professor E. Bozorov, Professor R. Bekmirzaev, Professor F. Kungurov, Professor Kh. Khasanov and associate professors N. Badalov, A. Khalikulov , G. Akhmedova, Sh. Omonov, T. Khazratov, A. Safarov, Sh. Khushmurodov, D. Khotamov, O. Kobilov, T. Saidmurodov, Kh. Tillaeva, Kh. Khaidarov, U. Maksudov, R. Togaev, I Khakberdiev, S. Sharipova, O. Mamatkulov and A. Safarov.

Currently, 1 doctor of science, 2 professors, 7 candidates of science, associate professors and 3 assistants work effectively at the department. The department operates a master's program in the specialties 5A140205- "Nuclear physics and elementary particle physics, accelerator technology" and 5A140202- "Physics (physical ecology)", and since 2021 there has been a master's program in the specialty 70530902-nuclear physics and nuclear technology (by area of application) , as well as basic doctoral studies (PhD) in the specialty 01.04.08-Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles. Accelerator technology and 03/01/01-Astronomy.

Thanks to a grant from the MAGATE organization in the amount of 231,000 euros received by the faculty of the department in 2012-2021, educational and research laboratories in atomic physics, nuclear physics, and then the basics of nuclear electronics and dosimetry, as well as radioecology, were equipped with modern equipment.

Master's studies at the department
1. Since 1999 5A200401 “Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles. Acceleration technique";
2. In 2015-2019 5A200402 “Physical ecology”;
3. In 2008-2020 5A Astronomy (research direction).
4. Since 2019 70530901-Physics (physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles. Accelerator technology).
5. From 2021 70530902-Nuclear physics and nuclear technology (by area of application).

Photos from the department's activities