Unlock your research potential

The Faculty of History of Samarkand State University is pleased to announce a call for applying to a Research project:
“European Perspectives in Dialogue: Central Asia and Western Research” DAAD (Germany)
to the 1st-year Master students of departments of “History of the Civilization of Samarkand” and “History of Uzbekistan” :
DAAD project provides students from Samarkand State University the chance to advance their methodological and academic writing skills. The DAAD project provides master students of the departments participating in the project of Samarkand State University with the opportunity to improve their methodological and academic skills Central topics are European views of Central Asia and discussion of Orientalism. These goals will be obtained through participating in various courses and workshops as well as travels to Bukhara and Berlin. Participants will be required to take a credit course to enhance their research skills. The internship is fully funded by DAAD program.
- Eligibility requirements:
Currently 1st year student of Master degree at Faculty of History Samarkand State University
Required documents:
- Language proficiency (English C1 or B2 level is required)
- CV
- Motivation letter (max. 1000 words)
- Transcript of records
Deadline for receipt of applications: 28 February 2023 23:59 .
Please send applications and full pack of documents to: yakubovamukhtaram@gmail.com
Contact: Mukhtaram Yakubova
Phone: +998(93) 835-82-45
Everyone will be able to get more detailed information about the program on February 24 at 13.00 in the 114 auditorium (Faculty of History).
We look forward to your participation!