Japanese “Goi Peace Foundation” announces an International writing essay contest on the topic “My value”

The “Goi Peace Foundation” of Japan, with the support of the Japan National Commission for UNESCO of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, has organized a seminar on “My Values” is holding an international essay writing competition.
The essay should be up to 700 words in English or French and up to 1600 words in Japanese.
Contestants must submit their essays online at www.goipeace.or.jp and email essay@goipeace.or.jp.
The deadline for online submission of essays is June 15. 2022. The main prize of the competition: 100 thousand yen (about 840 US dollars) and souvenirs.
Detailed information, conditions and a list of required documents are attached. Information about the essay competition is also available on the organizers' official website https://www.goipeace.or.jp/en/work/essay-contest/.