A competition of start-up projects for young scientists, undergraduates and gifted students has been announced

In order to support young scientists, undergraduates and talented students of Samarkand State University, to promote the implementation of their research work, ongoing projects in various sectors of the national economy, material and moral incentives for students Samarkand State University within the youth festival under the motto "Youth of new Uzbekistan, let's unite!" "Startup" announces a competition of projects.
What is a startup? Startup is a word from the English language that means "start" or "start something". They say that this is a young company, firms or projects that have just opened and create unique ideas. In addition, attracting and attracting investors to sell some product is also the main goal of a startup.
Young scientists, undergraduates and university students under the age of 30 can take part in the competition.
Featured projects https://bit.ly/3Hf9pOp via page
From June 11, 2022 to 16-00 June 17, 2022, electronic registration is required.
The authors of the project, recognized as winners according to the results of the competition:
1st place-TV
2nd place - tablet
3rd place - awarded by phone.
Projects without electronic registration will not be accepted for the competition.
For reference:
Tel.: +99899-573-94-82 / +99894-684-40-96
Official website: www.samdu.uz