Barno Mustafayeva, a student at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education of Samarkand State University, is conducting a study on the topic “Methods for conducting outdoor games in preschool children”.

    “The introduction of sports and the study of sports in preschool institutions is carried out mainly by older preschoolers, i.e. children aged 6-7,” said Barno Mustafayeva. - Sports games organized in MTT strengthen the physical health of the child, develop interest in physical culture and sports. Mastering the elements of sports by a child can become the basis for the sport that he will choose in the future.

    The choice of outdoor games in preschool institutions should be made considering the age of children, their physical and physiological development and the interests of children. In small groups, active games are held every day. The workout should last about 10-15 minutes. Outdoor games are held at different times of the day. Before breakfast, the teacher should conduct quiet sessions with individual or small groups to create a good mood for all children. After walks, physical education lessons, music, during a walk, the teacher must combine meaningful, outdoor games with all their rules, as well as game exercises with active movements that cause a variety of motor activities. In large and preparatory groups, training sessions should last up to 20 minutes.


Iroda Bekmurodova

Samarkand State University

Information Service Officer.

Photos by Shavkat Akramov.