Assistant of the Department of Solid State Physics of Samarkand State University Tulganoy Sharofova is conducting a scientific research on the topic “Calculation of the critical dose of amorphization in semiconductor compounds”. Author of more than 15 scientific articles on this topic. Her articles are published in prestigious scientific journals in countries such as Russia, India, Latvia. For several years he has been teaching students of the Faculty of Physics such disciplines as “solid state physics”, “semiconductor physics”, “Electronics and signal processing”.

    “Our country has been the cradle of world culture since ancient times,” says Tulganoya Sharofova. - From the past, exact and natural sciences have been developing on the territory of our country. Scientists such as Khorezmi, Ferghani, Beruni, Ibn Sina, Nasriddin Tusi made an invaluable contribution to the development of world science. The scientific traditions laid down by them were continued from the 40s of the XX century in the process of development of physical science in Uzbekistan with the creation of prestigious scientific schools. Physicists of our country achieve great scientific results, successes in the field of solid state physics, atomic nucleus physics, semiconductor physics, laser physics and thermal physics.

    It is gratifying that today there are women scientists among physicists engaged in scientific research in the field of physics. Today, more than 10 scientists work at 5 departments of the Faculty of Physics. Each of them makes a worthy contribution to the future development of science with their scientific research.


Iroda Bekmurodova

Samarkand State University

Information officer.

Photos by Shavkat Akramov