Professor Aziziddin Khan from Mumbey University of Technology was on  academic trip to our university for one month to teach students of Samarkand State University...

    These days, the scientist, who completed his work and returned to India, was contacted by SamSU news office staff, who asked him about his impressions and feedback about Samarkand State University.

    - This time I visited Samarkand for second time, - tells Aziziddin Khan. - For the first time I came to this paradise country in 2018. Of course, both visits were done as part of the faculty exchange program between our universities.

    For four years, great changes have taken place at Samarkand State University. In particular, it should be recognized that attention to student learning has increased even more. In general, I believe that such concern for science and youth in Uzbekistan is one of the most important foundations for the future of Uzbekistan. It's not for nothing that the famous Chinese scientist – Confucius told: "If you want to feed your people for a year, then you sow wheat, if you want to feed them for ten years, then plant a tree, if you want to feed them for centuries, then you sow knowledge, sow science."

    I taught psychology to students. Most Uzbek youth currently have a stronger desire for knowledge than for making money. Because they already deeply realized that in the future this science will be highly appreciated.

    I think students should do more research on their own. Hearing their opinion and providing them with a constant support is one of the most important motivations that they are given.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is especially important. I rate SamSU students' English proficiency as good. Every day we can read on news web pages that SamSU students have received an international certificate in a foreign language. This will also increase opportunities for young people to win international education grants.

    I also conducted a seminar for teachers of SamSU about international methods of teaching psychology. This workshop was also bilateral. We agreed to write new scientific articles and textbooks in cooperation with the teachers of the Department of Psychology, and we managed to take the first steps in this direction.

    I came to Uzbekistan and learned that Samarkand is one of the most beautiful parts of the country. Its people are friendly and hospitable. Now I understand why Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur talked so highly about Samarkand. Living in Samarkand is much more comfortable. Clean air. Polov, kebab and lagman are cooked especially well here.

    I think that within the framework of cooperation between the two universities, we will implement many more scientific projects. The exchange of faculty and students will certainly be important. I am sure that Samarkand State University will become one of our closest partners.

Otabek   Sagdullayev,

Samarkand State University

News office staff.

Photo made by Shavkat Akramov.