Third wave of the Renaissance

The Renaissance (Renaissance) is a period of special cultural and mental development that took place in Central Asia, Iran, China, and Western Europe. The term "Renaissance" was originally applied to the cultural and spiritual upsurge in Italy, which was seen as a stage of transition from the stagnation of the Middle Ages to a new era. In Maverannahr, Khorasan and Iran, located in the center of Asia, several centuries earlier than in Italy, there was a huge cultural upsurge, science, philosophy, literature received a powerful development, advanced humanistic ideas occupied public opinion, mental and creative activity began to decline. This period in world science is known as the “Muslim Renaissance” or “Eastern Renaissance”.
New Uzbekistan and the third wave of the Renaissance. Speaking about this, first of all, it should be noted that in international practice there are few statesmen and public figures who enrich the world political terminology with new concepts. From this point of view, the introduction by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev of the concept of “New Uzbekistan” into the dictionary of world politics is of inestimable scientific importance. New Uzbekistan is a noble idea put forward by the head of our state and today deeply rooted in the hearts of all the people, turning into a national movement. This idea is based, on the one hand, on such noble goals and provisions of today's and tomorrow's generations as laying the foundation of the "Third Renaissance"; on the other hand, the dreams and aspirations of our great ancestors, the learned ancestors who laid the foundations of the first and second Renaissance in our national history; on the third hand, creation, creation, the desire to always learn and seek.
As the President of our country noted, the creation of a “New Uzbekistan” is not just a desire, a subjective phenomenon, but an objective necessity that has fundamental historical foundations, due to the current political, legal, socio-economic, spiritual and educational situation in the country, corresponding to centuries-old aspirations of our people, fully meeting their national interests."
Today we stand on the threshold of the third Renaissance. Even if we are fully aware of the value of the laws, decrees and resolutions signed by the President of Uzbekistan over the past five years, approved state programs, new initiatives put forward by him to develop only one direction of our life - enlightenment, education and science, then no one will have any doubts that the new Uzbekistan will become the center of the next enlightenment renaissance.
Sitora Rakhmonberdieva
Samarkand State University
Master of Law Faculty.