Conversation with the 83-year-old scientist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Gulzhakhon Akhmedova

    Gulzhakhon Akhmedova, Associate Professor of the Department of Nuclear Physics and Astronomy of Samarkand State University, is an honorary scientist of the University. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences with a degree in nuclear physics. For 60 years he has been teaching students the secrets of physics. The scientific and pedagogical activity of the scientist is multifaceted. Author of more than 10 textbooks and teaching aids in the field of nuclear physics, about 200 articles. The textbook "Atomic Physics", created under the authorship of Gulzhakhon Akhmedova, took 3rd place in the republican competition "Author of the best textbooks and educational literature of the year." Holder of memorable signs “Mehnat faxriysi”, “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi mustaqilligiga 15 yil” “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi mustaqilligiga 30 yil”. The results of many years of research by the scientist on the study of the foundations of atomic and nuclear physics are still recognized among physicists.

    - Why did you choose the path of science?

    - At school I was very interested in physics. I studied just fine. Our physics teacher, seeing my interest in science, said: “You are a physicist” and brought me to the physics department of Samarkand State University. How lucky I was, I became a student on the first try. Studying the mysteries of physics while studying at the university, I had a desire to continue working in this area. After graduation, she got a job as an assistant at the Department of Nuclear Physics. Gradually starting my scientific research, I defended my Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Study of the radioactivity of environmental samples by the semiconductor gamma spectrometric method”. Radioactive elements occur naturally in soil structure. They pass from the soil into the composition of plants growing in it. When a person consumes natural products, they enter the body. These substances can cause life-threatening illnesses if ingested in excess of prescribed amounts, but if they are within normal limits, they are harmless. My research is focused on studying the levels of radioactivity of various plants and substances.

    - Three main factors that a woman needs so that she can find her place in life?

    - First of all, you need patience. Second is responsibility. It is important to approach any work responsibly. The third is labor.

    To what extent does a woman need to be famous?

    - Being famous is a relative concept. I never tried to be popular. I didn't even have time for it. I tried to be around my family and children until I said that I found free time. I myself prepared my child for admission to the university. Currently, they operate in various spheres of society.

    - Do you have a dream?

    “Today, in such a peaceful time, I live with my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.” I am the grandmother of 13 grandchildren and about 30 great-grandchildren. Thank God, they all have a place in life. I have a favorite job. The love and respect that my students show for every word "teacher" allows me to live a happy life. What more wish could I have?!

    - Did you manage to fully realize all the dreams and goals that you set for yourself throughout your life?

    - I think I have achieved almost everything that a person can achieve with the help of science.

    - What advice and recommendations would you give to women, young female researchers who hope to embark on the path of science?

    - The scientist's day belongs to her work and family, and the night belongs to science. This is a worthy deed, and it should all end there. He should live away from weddings, gossip and worldly affairs in general. Family is a separate issue. I dedicate my day to work and family. I spend the night with a book. I am interested in science. Naturally, there is no time for other things. True, it's not easy. It was a little hard for me when my kids were little. During the day I was busy with household chores, and at night I studied. At that time, all textbooks were in Russian. I did not notice how the morning began until I was ready to translate the topic into Uzbek and explain it to the students. It was the start of a new day. How many sleepless nights I had before I got to this point.

    One should never be lazy in acquiring knowledge. Physics, in particular, requires special diligence. Therefore, women on this path first of all need patience, disappointment and responsibility.

Iroda Bekmurodova

Samarkand State University

Information officer.

Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.