According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of June 22 this year, coronavirus infection was detected in more than 544.2 million patients worldwide, of which 6.3 million, that is, 1.2 percent, died.

    When analyzing the last 30 days, the average daily incidence in the United States, Taiwan, Germany and Brazil is 50-100 thousand cases. High daily incidence rates (20-30 thousand) remain in Australia, France, Portugal, Italy, Japan and South Korea.

    In our country, too, in recent days, the number of cases has been growing. In the past two years, the number of cases has increased in July-August. This begs the question: will the coronavirus infection “rise” this summer?

    Head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Service Bakhodir YUSUPALIEV answered these and other questions of an UzA correspondent.

    “As of June 22 of this year, the number of cases of coronavirus infection in our country amounted to 239,895 people, of which 237,791 people recovered, that is, 99 percent, 1,637 people died, that is, 0.7 percent,” said B. Yusupaliyev. - Over the past week, there has been a slight increase in the dynamics of the incidence. In particular, 90 cases were registered on June 17, 108 on June 18, 93 on June 19, 87 on June 20, 82 on June 21, and 98 on June 22.

    - What age people are most often ill, what age categories suffer from serious illnesses? Were factors associated with the age of the diseased over the past period analyzed?

    - In the age analysis of patients registered in the Republic, children under the age of 14 accounted for an average of 3-4 percent, 15-19 years old - 2-3 percent, 20-29 years old - 24-25 percent, 30-39 years old - 16-17 percent, 40-49 years old - 14-15 percent, 50-59 years old - 9-10 percent, 60 years and older - 16-17 percent.

    When examining the source of the disease, in 35-40 percent of cases infection was detected from the family, in 15-20 percent of cases from neighbors or relatives, in 7-8 percent of cases in public places, in 5-8 percent of cases at the workplace.

    – BA "Stealth-Omicron" strain "Omicron" WHO in the countries of the world. Variant 2 is said to have become the dominant strain. Are those who contract the virus these days with the same strain?

    - This strain has also been identified in our republic, and an increase in the incidence of coronavirus infection is currently observed.

    In analyzes conducted at the Center of Excellence of the Ministry of Innovative Development for the study (sequencing) of the virus genome, it was found that 67 percent of the Omicron strain and 33 percent of the Omicron strain have a new Stealth-Omicron mutation.

    To date, the situation with coronavirus infection in our country remains stable. But over the past two years, it is in July-August that an increase in the incidence has been noted. Therefore, in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, it is of great importance to intensify work on vaccinating the population against coronavirus infection.

    To date, the total number of vaccines used to vaccinate against coronavirus infection has exceeded 57.7 million doses. Of these, 20 million 550 thousand 541 people vaccinated with the first stage, 16 million 856 thousand 230 people vaccinated with the second stage, 20 million 355 thousand 55 people vaccinated with the third stage.

    In total, 1 million 587 thousand 480 doses of the vaccine were used for those vaccinated aged 12 to 18 years. Of these, 863 thousand 351 people vaccinated with the first stage, 675 thousand 766 people vaccinated with the second stage, 48 thousand 363 people vaccinated with the third stage and the Buster dose.



UzA correspondent

Mohigul Kosimova