Does a person who does not know philosophy not understand the essence of his life?

“The world has been rapidly changing and renewing in recent years,” says Sitora Rahmonberdiyeva, Master of the Faculty of History of Samarkand State University. - Incredibly important processes are taking place in the life of our country, steadily moving along the path of independent development. With the beginning of a new period in the development of our country, the determination of our people to build a democratic state of law and a developed civil society has turned the demand for a complete rejection of outdated dogmas and the formation of modern thinking into a requirement of the time. The birth of Uzbek philosophy today, the renewal of philosophical thought is a change not only in the general spiritual atmosphere, but also in the social appearance, spiritual world, goals and needs of each member of society. Philosophy is the mother of all sciences. A person who does not know philosophy, whether it be medicine or education, art or culture, does not understand the meaning of life and his profession. For example, in order to analyze history, it is necessary to look philosophically at each event and process, to be able to draw the necessary conclusions, generalizing them. Therefore, in order to represent any field, it is necessary to have the ability to think philosophically.
As you know, philosophy as a universal science covers the problems of mankind. But any universal topics and problems are manifested primarily in the form of issues of private, national, regional significance related to the life of a particular people, its history and destiny, thinking and worldview. Such is the Uzbek philosophy, which was formed together with our people, passed through the cycles of history, times, various social and political processes, was constantly updated and improved. And this, in turn, means that philosophy, which is a universal science, inevitably reflects nationality, that is, the features inherent in the worldview and thinking of an individual people. In this sense, the development of Uzbek philosophy, its activities and improvement in the modern new Uzbekistan are our direct successes.
The researcher conducts a scientific study on the topic "Formation and development of Uzbek philosophy." About 20 articles on this topic have been published in national and international publications. Scientific Supervisor - Head of the Department of Philosophy and National Ideas, Professor Soibnazar Karimov.
Iroda Bekmurodova
Samarkand State University
Information officer.
Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.