At the Samarkand State University named after Sharaf Rashidov, within the framework of the youth festival, the "Regional Olympiad of Khokim in Science" was held. The Olympiad in the native language and literature, history, Tajik language and literature was held in an open, honest spirit.
An awards ceremony was organized for the gifted young students who took honorable places according to the final results.
The event was opened by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Samarkand State University Ahmadjon Soliev, who congratulated all participants on the achievement of this stage of the Olympiad.
“Today's Olympiad was held in a very high spirits,” says a student of the 28th lyceum of the Pastdargom district, Jurabek Muhammadiev. – Now I am very excited. Among the questions there are not only concrete facts, but also logical ones that make a person think. Of course, this serves us for the further development of our logical thinking. I am very glad that I took part in today's Olympiad.
Information Service Officer
Samarkand State University.
Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.