University Avenue was built at the end of the 19th century, its width was 128 meters and its length was 1044 meters. This park consists of 3 alleys and 2 streets surrounded by rare trees such as maple, poplar, pine, acacia and ailanthus. Initially, this place was built as a resting place for the townspeople. Then, one after another, European-style buildings began to be built.

    It was originally called Abramov Avenue, Maxim Gorky Avenue until 1990, Uzbekistan Avenue before independence, and now University Avenue. Trolleybuses worked here until the 90s of the last century. It should be noted that at the initiative of Alexander Abramov, many trees were planted in the gorges of Ohalik, Choponota and Amonkoton near Samarkand, such as walnut, ailanthus, false acacia, pine and spruce.

    Until recently, many birds lived in this beautiful place called "University Avenue". Unfortunately, their number is decreasing every year. For example, you can hear a blue crow, skunk, long-eared owl, nightingale and other species. At the same time, I consider it appropriate, as an environmental scientist, to note that the rapid movement of vehicles seriously affects rare tree species, flower beds and green spaces.

    University Avenue, as a unique symbol of Samarkand and its legendary brand, has buildings that have preserved the look and style of a bygone era. They remind us of our past and give the city a unique charm and special pleasure.

    The unique avenue, which in a figurative sense is considered the lungs of our hometown, is important in protecting public health and providing air. Actually, the problem of improving air quality and its purification has always been in the focus of attention of scientists. The unique juniper and oleander trees decorating the alley of our university emit about 30 kg of phytoncides. Thus, the importance of trees, bushes and flowers - flower beds is considered important for improving air quality.

    The avenue trees also create a unique micro-climatic environment, i.e. the city streets are free from negative conditions such as bright sun, loud noise and rising dust. An ecologically healthy environment has been created, people can breathe well, noise and thunder are observed. In particular, they allow the absorption of exhaust gases due to the continuous movement of vehicles along the avenue. In addition, the operation of fountains through watering cans and nozzles somewhat reduces heat transfer, etc.

    One can distinguish a unique swamp cypress that exists in the current green space of Samarkand. It lives on average 600 years, but there are representatives that live 4 thousand years and older in the plant world. Its height reaches 50 meters, and its circumference is about 10 meters. This tree is unique and valuable because of the large amount of oxygen it releases into the atmosphere and its usefulness.

    Summing up, we can say that University Avenue plays a very important role in maintaining the ecological health of Samarkand.

    We emphasize that even in the current heat this park has become a favorite place for citizens and tourists of our city.


Ergash Gabilov,

Head of the SamSU Department of Ecology and Life Safety, professor.

Khidir Botirov, Zuvaydullo Izzatullaev, Leyla Belialova, Burkhan Fayzullaev, teachers of the department.