Wheat cultivation: indicator and analysis

In agriculture, wheat is the most important food crop. The main part of the diet of the planet's population is cereals and cereals. Especially a lot of bread is used by the Uzbek people, and in this respect the role of grain of wheat in our life is incredibly great. Cereal crops occupy 14% of the world's cultivated area. In the food trade, cereals account for 50%. Accordingly, the wheat product is in great demand on the world market.
Therefore, it is important to quickly grow wheat, get a big harvest, and conduct research to improve the quality of wheat flour. Master of the Faculty of Biology of Samarkand State University Ugiloy Khidirova conducts a scientific study on the topic "Polymorphism of local varieties of soft wheat in relation to gluten." Scientific adviser-professor of the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology Ibragim Jabborov.
- World wheat production is 760 million tons per year - says Ugiloy Khidirova. - By 2030, this figure is expected to increase to 850 million tons. In this regard, selection directions aimed at improving the quality of agricultural products are widely used all over the world. To do this, on the basis of numerous studies both in the world and in our country, the development and implementation of a flexible farming system, considering soil and climatic conditions, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in the quality of wheat grain. Therefore, the study of initial forms, the allocation of genetic resources and the creation of new promising wheat varieties in crossbreeding programs is an urgent problem for breeding high-yielding varieties with high grain quality, resistant to environmental stress. Wheat is divided into hard and soft types. Bread is mainly made from soft wheat. Durum wheat is used in pasta and confectionery industries. The dough made from its flour will be dense, low elasticity, high elasticity, low elasticity, will not form gluten. The problem of improving the quality of wheat grain is important in a market economy. The indicator of obtaining high-quality bakery products from hard wheat grains is higher, which reduces grain consumption.
As a rule, wheat grain protein is in the form of proteids and proteins and plays an important role in the preparation of quality breads and baked goods. One of the most important indicators of the quality of wheat grain is the content of protein and gluten in it. Gluten is a biochemical compound that determines the elasticity of the dough in the preparation of high-quality bread. The chemical composition of wheat grain is very variable. The content of protein, gluten, minerals, vitamins, pigments and enzymes in it varies depending on the climate, soil and fertilizers applied, agricultural practices, varieties. The requirements of the world standard indicate that the protein content in wheat grain should not be less than 13.5%. The protein content of wheat grain determines for what purposes it is used. For a bread machine, it is required that the cereal contains 14-15%, and for the preparation of pasta, 17-18% protein.
The main vegetable protein for humans is wheat semolina, which satisfies 50% of the protein requirement in the daily diet. Under the influence of high solar energy and effective temperature, wheat grown in the arid conditions of Uzbekistan collects a lot of high-quality protein and proteins. When determining the baking qualities of wheat flour, the quantity and quality of gluten, which affects the volume and porosity of bread, is important. Since wheat provides a balance of several vitamins, starches, proteins and fats, it is an excellent source of nutrients. The digestibility of protein in whole grain bread is 95 percent. Wheat grain and straw are given as feed to livestock. Waste from wheat milling is high quality livestock feed. In the technique, alcohol, starch, gluten, dextrin, and various other products are obtained from wheat grain.
Iroda Bekmurodova
Information Service Officer
Samarkand State University.