In these days, when the field of food safety is gaining urgency, it is very important to breed organic and natural products in agriculture. In particular, in a number of regions of our country, we have identified goat breeds with a high level of productivity in terms of milk production. Currently, Saanen and White Russian goat breeds are registered as purebred dairy goats in Uzbekistan.

    Based on the information received, the problem of providing safe goat's milk, which retains all the components necessary for the nutrition and livelihoods of the country's population, will be partially resolved by increasing this dairy product.

    Based on the foregoing, 10 heads were selected from each breed with the same direction of productivity, but with different conditions of creation. Selected goats consisted of individuals of the same (analogue) age, sex, body weight and origin.

    As a result of comparative tests for both breeds, the same conditions for feeding and keeping were created. Both groups of goats allocated for breeding were fed according to the feeding regime adopted in almost all livestock farms. It is known that there are still no scientific or practical recommendations for feeding dairy goats. In the CIS countries, the norms for feeding woolly and woolly goats were used to feed dairy goats, and this method is still used today.

    Based on these norms, for goats of different physiological states in the direction of milk in the autumn-winter period from 0.70 (in the 1st reproduction period) to 1.45 (in the 2nd half of reproduction) of an energy food unit and from 70 g to 145 requires up to g of digestible protein. Accordingly, the need for other nutrients also increases: metabolic energy, dry matter, macro- and microelements, that is, the goat's body's need for nutrients increases by 2.0-2.5 times. Therefore, we also used the standard of feeding adopted by the farms. During the day, the goats were grazed in the field, and in the evening, 0.4 kg of a mixture of straw and beet pulp and 0.25 kg of wheat bran were added.

    According to the data obtained, in comparison with Saanen goats, it was noted that white Russian goats consume a certain amount of pasture feed among the compared groups.

    According to the actual consumption of feed on mountain and desert pastures for the autumn season, goats consumed 0.58 units for this season. energy and 57.9 g of digestible protein, i.e. their need for nutrients was covered only by 84-87% compared to the autumn period. norm.

    In the winter season, with a live weight of 30-35 kg and in the first half of estrus, goats need 0.9-1.1 EOB and up to 105 g HP, in order to meet the needs of the body, in ... In fact, with pasture feed, they received 0.18 EOB and 23.8 g of drugs. It is important to emphasize that this period is the most difficult period in the life of goats, as it was found that the diets consumed with pasture feed were deficient in 0.92 EOB and 81 g HP.

    Based on the foregoing, we can say that when feeding goats with pasture food without feeding throughout the year (except for the summer season), their body's need for nutrients decreases by 15% in autumn, and by 82% in winter, in spring they cannot cover by 53 %.

    In addition, the number of microorganisms in large abdominal masses is reduced due to less than usual amounts of protein and easily digestible carbohydrates in the food consumed. We explain that the main reason for this is the deviation of the medium of large gastric juice to the acid side and the decrease in the number of all kinds of microorganisms.

    It has been established that milk components synthesized as a result of microbiological and biochemical processes carried out by microorganisms affect milk yield, chemical composition and some qualitative characteristics of compared goats.

    Differences indicating a better development of goats in the control and 2nd experimental groups compared with the Saanen breed during the first lactation indicate that they were created in dramatically changing adverse conditions.

    According to the data obtained, the composition and properties of milk depend on the breed of the animal, individual characteristics, lactation period, type and amount of food consumed from the pasture, digestion and assimilation of the nutrients contained in it, as well as the processes carried out by the microorganisms of the large intestine, it was found that indicators of milk productivity and qualities vary to a certain extent depending on the components of the synthesized milk.


Sirozh Khaydarov,

Doctoral student of Samarkand State University