An event dedicated to the discussion of the draft Constitutional Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was held at the Samarkand Professional College of Railway Transport. It was attended by activists of mahallas "Ziekorlar", "Zielilar", "Farobiy".

    Dean of the Faculty of Digital Technologies of Samarkand State University, Associate Professor Abdusattor Boboerov discussed the proposals voiced with activists of mahallas.

    The need for the active participation of every intellectual in the discussion of the draft law was especially emphasized, an opinion was expressed about the changes and updates in the education system, mahalla, medicine that have taken place in recent years, about the essence of the amendments and additions to the Constitution.

    “Our Constitution has served our people for 30 years, protected our rights,” says Abdusattor Babaerov. - More than 66,000 proposals and appeals were received to discuss the bill. This shows that the people are not indifferent to the fate and future of the Motherland, its prosperity...

    “I am not indifferent to the changes taking place in our country, I watched the news, analyzed them in my own way,” says Muharram Haydarova, an activist of the Ziekorlar mahalla. - Over the past 6 years, great changes have taken place in our country. The problems of each representative of the sphere are listened to and solved. The reforms are aimed at human dignity and honor. In total, more than 200 amendments were proposed to 66 of the 128 articles of the Constitution. I believe that all this will serve to further improve human life ...

Behruz Shamsiddinov,

Information Service Officer

Samarkand State University.

Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.