How helpful or harmful are the cartoons your child watches? What is his role in raising children?

To find at least some free time for themselves, young parents often force their children to sit in front of TV screens or monitors. A child looking charmingly at the screen evokes feelings of affection and delight in parents: “Finally! How carefully he follows the plot! What is behind this surprise? Is watching really good for a child? And in general, how safe are modern animations?” Animated film is an art form, the main element of which is the technique of animation. Today, animation is a highly profitable business, focused primarily on making a profit, and often the moral side of the issue depends only on the conscience of the people involved in this business. To understand what exactly our children master by looking at the screen, we adults need to understand this art.
Doctors believe that: up to 2-3 years old, the content of the cartoon is not perceived by the child; up to 3 years, the visual system is still being formed, and watching animations disrupts the process of formation and development of the child's visual function; For children under 3 years of age, watching cartoons leads to an overload of the central nervous system, which leads to hyperactivity or lethargy; young children watching animated films leads to premature aging, which leads to vision leads to a delay in speech development; the risk of developing attention deficit disorder increases when a child receives missing emotions from the TV screen instead of live communication with parents. How long can children watch cartoons? Surprisingly, today not all mothers and fathers are aware of the norms recommended by the World Health Organization. For example, children from 0 to 3 years of age are generally prohibited from watching television; 3 to 7 years - up to 30 minutes a day; 7 to 10 years - 30-50 minutes a day; from 11 to 18 years old - 1-3 hours a day. If the cartoon is unfamiliar, watch it yourself, make sure it is safe, and only then offer it to your baby. When your child first watches an animation, adults should get involved! And after watching, discuss the movie you watched together. Retell the story to your son or daughter, rate the characters, repeat the words of an interesting song! This develops his speech, memory, he learns to analyze, generalize, express his opinion. Not all adults who have become parents are aware of the influence of information coming from the TV or monitor screen on the child. They consider cartoons for children to be entertainment and nothing more. Indeed, the influence of cartoon characters on the upbringing of a child is so great that it is impossible to refuse it. In today's high-tech environment, we have the opportunity to choose when and what to watch for our children. Using this opportunity, parents should understand that they are responsible for their child. Any information that the cartoon carries affects the child, affects his speech, behavior, mood and, ultimately, his understanding and perception of the world around him.
A good cartoon always teaches good. The cartoon characters are drawn beautifully and as realistic as possible. It will not be difficult for a child to recognize familiar animals, people, objects in them, they will not look like disproportionate animals. The negative character is always punished. With its help, in a cartoon it is easy to show behavior that is not accepted in society (for example, disrespect for adults, greed, cowardice, laziness), explain why such behavior is unacceptable, and eventually re-educate a negative character. In this case, the child receives a lesson in visual education. In a good cartoon there are always two opposites: good and evil. These two concepts are clearly demarcated and easily recognizable by the child. They have a certain influence on the main character. These opposite concepts are illustrated by examples: friendship, mutual assistance, help of love (in the cartoons "the biggest friend", "Leopold the cat") and how anger, greed, envy harm ("Treasure Island", "The Tale of Greed", etc.).
Children under a certain age cannot analyze the concepts of good and evil and have a philosophical approach. Therefore, precision and clarity are essential in describing good and evil. From their clearly marked cartoon, the child gets an idea of the basic values accepted in society. The victory of good over evil is very important for young viewers, as they will be convinced by examples that following the principles of goodness and justice will help them achieve what they want, and if you are evil, evil, then you will be condemned and not accepted in society. In a good cartoon, the role of the negative character should be obvious: he should evoke hostility and condemnation. By appearance, the child must clearly determine: this hero is negative. During the course of the story, he must be defeated by a good hero or re-educated under the influence of good. Such an example will clearly show the child what is good and what is bad, and will teach him to draw conclusions. If your kids can tell good from evil in a movie, they can do it in real life too. A good cartoon does not imply rudeness, does not prepare to accept bad taste and rudeness as the norm, but educates aesthetic taste and teaches beauty. If there is a love story in an animated film, then it should be presented high, dynamically, with purity. The plot should not arouse early sexual interest in the child. Such things need to be hidden until a certain age. In a good cartoon, the speech of the characters is correct, does not contain hints and jargon. The brightness of colors and flickering of the screen are important for perception. The smaller the child, the "quieter" the screen should be. The same requirements are imposed on sound design: the music for the film should be beautiful, light, without sharp exciting sounds.
Not all modern animated films intended for children are aimed at cultivating positive character traits in a child. Some of them have a negative impact: aggressiveness, cruelty, negative attitude towards the weak, disrespect for elders, etc. Seeing such "masterpieces", the child shows aggression, cruelty. Simple plots of such cartoons hinder the development of imagination, logical memory, and the ability to concentrate the imagination. The lack of development of coherent speech harms the development of the baby's speech abilities. There is no logical story in these cartoons. Your son or daughter cannot tell what the cartoon is about (for example, "Winx"), the characters look far from reality, they are depicted ugly, disproportionately (for example, "Futurama"). Negative and positive characters in such cartoons are not clearly marked. While watching, it is difficult for a child to determine which of the characters is positive and which is negative. Without understanding this, it is difficult for a child to evaluate the hero and choose an object to follow. The actions of negative characters are not punishable, and their bad behavior leads to the achievement of goals (for example, in the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" the whims of the heroine Masha achieve the goals - she gets what she wants). In a cartoon that is bad for raising children, parents can be shown in a negative way. For example, they are portrayed as pathetic, narrow-minded. And the main character achieves her cherished goal, denying her will. Such a moment causes disrespect for adults in the younger generation, a desire to go against the good advice of older family members. Often in such animations you can hear rude speech, jargon. Disrespect for generally accepted ideals and norms of behavior is promoted. Male characters are shown as masculine and weak; women's - bold, bold. After watching such a cartoon, the phrase "girls must be protected" will seem incomprehensible to the child. If we talk about the design, then the colors in such a cartoon are poisonously bright and the frequent flickering and flickering of the screen hypnotize the eye, the musical accompaniment is selected sharp and loud. After watching: When watching a child, you don't need to be a certified psychologist to finally understand how a cartoon affects a child.
Khilolakhon Nuriddinova,
Doctoral student of Samarkand State University.