Cucumber is the juiciest of vegetables and is considered one of the healthiest benefits for the human body. More than 90% of the composition of cucumbers is water. This vegetable contains substances such as starch, sugar, protein, fiber, organic acids, essential oil, a number of drugs, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur, tin, copper, fluorine, chromium, aluminum.

    Cucumber also contributes to better absorption of protein, normalizing the activity of the digestive glands and salivation. Therefore, juicy slices of cucumbers not only make the dish beautiful and crispy, but also improve the digestion process.

    Cucumbers lower blood cholesterol levels, strengthen kidney health. With regular use, it eliminates the risk of cancer. It has a good effect on the digestive system and helps to get rid of excess weight.

    The juice has an antipyretic property, useful for coughs, joint diseases, and edema associated with the heart. Cucumber peel helps in maintaining the color and clarity of the face, with skin burns and swelling. A decoction of crushed bark is recommended for skin diseases and rashes. Cucumber does not cause allergies, so it can be freely consumed by patients with allergic diseases.

    The cause of continuous labor is sometimes darkening around the eyes, on the lower eyelids. In this state, cut the cucumbers into strips, cool in the refrigerator for 3-5 minutes and put in a dark place for 10 minutes. The same method will be effective in removing acne and blackheads on the face, as well as to neutralize burns caused by the sun's rays.


Yulduz Ochilova,

Biology student

Samarkand State University.