Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Relations of Samarkand State University named after Sharaf Rashidov Isobek Shermanov and head of the Department of General Psychology of this university obid Kadyrov were in Baku on July 7-12 on a working trip.

    The guests met with Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations of Baku State University Hussein Mamadov. Then Samarkand scientists visited the Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology, exchanged experience with the leadership and heads of departments, exchanged views on various areas of scientific and pedagogical cooperation.

    Then the guests from Uzbekistan got acquainted with the structural divisions of the faculty, discussed areas of further scientific cooperation with the staff of the departments of the history of philosophy and cultural studies, philosophy and psychology.

    In conclusion, the guests thanked the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology and the heads of faculty structures for the warm welcome and hospitality.


Taken from the Baku State University website.

Translation of doctoral studies at SamSU.