Period of practical work: the training of SamSU researchers in doctoral studies in Hungary and their topics were agreed…

As we reported earlier, scientists from the University of Szeget in Hungary are at SamSU. During the trip, certain results were achieved in establishing trust-based cooperation between the two universities.
In particular, an agreement was reached on the training of researchers from the Faculty of Biology of the SamSU, Nodir Bobokandov and Abdubakir Kushbokov, in the doctoral studies of the Seget University, and on conducting research work on the topics of dissertations. In this regard, scientists from SamSU and Seget University organized a trip to the Kyzylkum desert and conducted geobotanical research in the field.
Dr. Seget University Orsol Valko, Dr. Chaba Tolgesi and Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnologies and Food Safety of SamSU, Associate Professor Tashpulat Rajabov will lead the scientific work of researchers from the University.
For reference, Seget University ranks 551 in the world university rankings.
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