The views of great thinkers-scientists on the formation of Eastern family etiquette

From time immemorial, the Uzbek people have especially valued the Family, the relationship between parents and children, husband and wife. In this regard, our great thinkers also expressed their valuable thoughts in their works. In particular, Abu Ali Ibn Sina's statements about family relations are very valuable. In his work “Tadbir-Al-manozil”, the scientist lists the good qualities of a husband and wife in a family. Their personal example as an example for the child emphasizes its importance in determining the future fate. Ibn Sina believes that the educator should not only instruct in words, but also practically influence the children with their behavior. He reflects on the condition of parents talking to their children, saying, “When you talk with the requirements of empathy in talking, receiving feedback, you don't go astray or run into obstacles. In order to bring up good character and behavior in a child, it is necessary to respect his personality, love and respect him. One should not speak badly in front of him, do unnecessary actions, but there should be exactingness in education.
In his work “Mahbub ul-Kulub”, Alisher Navoi describes the woman’s contribution to family life and personal example as follows: “A good wife is the state and happiness of the family. From him is the freedom of the house, from him is the calmness and tranquility of the owner of the house. If bald is food for the soul, and good-natured is food for the soul. If you are wise, there will be discipline in the house, and the tools will be clean and tidy.
From the opinions expressed above, it is known that a woman is a truly faithful companion of her husband in family life, in the upbringing of a child the incomparability of the educational impact of his good and bad qualities is expressed in a peculiar way. In particular, the upbringing of girls is based on the fact that mothers are an example of their good qualities, and the consequences of bad qualities can bring misfortune to the family. Abdullah Avloni in his work “Turkic Gulistan or Ethics” “...Who is engaged in education? Where to sit? The question arises: this question is the first home education. This is his task. Someone will say what kind of Moms are you talking about, illiterate moms, balding moms? Where do they get an education they don't have? Here is a word that will break a man's heart and burn his hands. What would you say to your father, say, “Which father? Are you talking about those fathers who do not know the price of knowledge, who do not pay a penny for knowledge, who do not know the time? We must first educate ourselves, educate ourselves,” he said. Hearing this word, the hands of hope touch the armpits.
As Abdurauf Fitrat said, the upbringing of a generation is the merit of mankind. Whenever we raise children with good morals, only then does this service obligation around our necks become quiet. He who brings up evil children does not serve mankind, but is hostile. Society becomes a bully because of their children. A child with good and good morals will be from parents who believe in goodness, and if the parents are immoral, then the child who grew up in the shadow of their upbringing will also be good,” he said, who put forward the valuable idea that parents should be role models in raising children.
In particular, Abu Nasr Farabi considers the role of science in the knowledge of a being to be a decisive factor, since the human body, brain, sense organs exist at birth, and mental knowledge, spirituality, spirit, intellectual and moral qualities, character, religion, customs, education - during communication with the environment, other people, and so on. arise, a person masters them with the help of his activity, achieves them. He claims that his mind will be the most mature things of his spiritual ascent.
The ideas of Abu Rayhan Beruni about the goals, objectives and position of education and upbringing, about the development of a person, the young generation were created on the basis of humanism. The principles of harmony of knowledge and education with nature can be traced in all the works of the thinker. He claims that man is part of nature.
Kibriye Khasanova
Head of the Department of Interfaculty Pedagogy, Professor
Samarkand State University
Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.