Due to the fact that recently there have been very few useful fish, a number of measures are being taken by the state in order to preserve fish in natural conditions and increase their numbers. Among them are the protection of fish habitats, the cleaning of water bodies from excess sewage and aquatic vegetation, the protection of rivers, lakes and ponds from toxic wastewater from industrial enterprises and oil spills, the acclimatization of valuable fish species, the protection of fish species, the number of which is declining and listed in “ Red Data Book of Uzbekistan. Fish and fish products are of great importance in meeting the needs of the population of our republic in protein substances.

    Fish has been consumed by mankind since ancient times. According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, each person should consume 33 g of a fish product per day or 12 kg during the year for the healthy development of the body. Currently, the fish grown in fish farms, obtained from natural reservoirs, does not fully meet the needs of the population. The role of fisheries and aquaculture in ensuring food security is great. Fish is considered a complete, protein-rich food item.

    Grass carp clears canals of predominantly ameliorative value from higher algae, improves their biomeliorative state, purifies water from microscopic algae and microorganisms, at the same time increases fish productivity, i.e., rapid growth, has a high degree of salinity. In this regard, herbivorous fish are the main fish of aquaculture in the Samarkand region.


Firuza Melikova

Samarkand State University

Master of Biology Faculty