Conversation with the methodologist of the Department of International Cooperation of Samarkand State University Zarifa Eshmurodova

    -From the first days when I stepped on the threshold of the school, I envied my teacher and dreamed of becoming a teacher, - says Zarifa Eshmurodova. - French lessons started in the 5th grade. Our teacher was working at a school while traveling from a distant place. Our teacher stopped coming when we started 6th grade. Our lessons have not been completed. I then told the director of our school that I would find another teacher. I am surprised that then a 13-year-old girl came to the director. Thus, the absence of a foreign language teacher lasted 2-3 years. Then I started learning French thinking that I would become a foreign language teacher.

    -How did you manage to enter the Sorbonne University in France?

    -Now I am a basic doctoral student, I am almost preparing my dissertation. In 2019, I became a laureate of the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation scholarship in the direction of doctoral studies. But due to the coronavirus pandemic, I was unable to go abroad. I had to leave for 3 years to do this research at the Sorbonne University. Without waiting for the end of the pandemic, I started my work in Uzbekistan. After the pandemic, we worked together with Alexander Stroev, a professor at the Sorbonne University, on a dissertation, albeit for a shorter period. The theme of my scientific research is "Linguistic-semantic fields of ethno-cultural lexemes in the French and Uzbek epic (on the material of the epics "Chanson de Roland" and "Alpomysh")".

    -And if you stop at the Sorbonne University?

    The Sorbonne University is very large and will remain in the top 100 world rankings. This is one of the largest educational and scientific centers in France. It was founded in 1150. Founded in 1215 on the basis of a church school, it was considered the first secular university in Europe. Initially there were faculties of art, law, theology and medicine. In 1257, a college called the Sorbonne was founded in the Latin Quarter of Paris (the founder was named after R. de Sorbonne). In the 17th century, the Sorbonne College and the University of Paris merged and both names came into use. Such well-known scientists as A. Lavoisier, L. Pasteur, P. Curie, J. B. Perrin, P. Langevin are associated with this university. The university trains specialists in the field of law and economics, natural sciences, literature and social sciences, medicine, and pharmacology. The university has several research institutes, centers, higher schools and libraries. Today, more than 250,000 students study at this university. The range of research here in all areas is very wide, it is difficult to say in one word. For example, this includes the influence of foreign languages ​​on French, English, Arabic, Chinese, the emergence of new technologies and the introduction of new terms into the French language, research on the history of the language, scientific views on bilingualism.

    - How do the educational processes, research areas of the Sorbonne University differ from SamSU?

    - I would like very much that in the future our university will also become an educational institution that remains in the world rankings, like the Sorbonne. The Sorbonne has a separate research institute for each branch, each of which has separate branches. For example, the University of Paris is only for those who study philology. The duration of study at the bachelor's level is 3 years, master's degree - 2 years, doctoral studies - 3 years. Students are very free, they are given more time for independent study. Fewer hours of listening.

    - If you tell me about the university library.

    - The Sorbonne University Library is one of the richest libraries. Professor Alexander Stroev, who had been my mentor from the first day I entered the university, helped me to enroll in the library and received a membership card. Initially, I understood that I would only work with the Sorbonne University Library with this certificate, but it turned out that this was not the case. It turns out that with this library ticket you can use the libraries of state universities throughout France. First of all, you access the computer to find the literature in the catalog, it will also indicate which university library the book you are looking for is located, how many copies it has, what date it will be returned if someone receives it. You can copy book pages in a limited state. There is also an electronic version of a very large number of books, making it user friendly. Almost all books out of print after the 1900s can be found in electronic form.

    In addition to the Sorbonne Library, I worked with the library of the Inalco National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Development in France, where I also got acquainted with the literature related to my dissertation. The most interesting information for me is the original book of our great scientist Mirzo Ulugbek “Ziji Jadidi Kuragoni” is stored in this library.

    - What conclusions did you come to by observing the learning processes and the education system at the Sorbonne? Which of them, in your opinion, can be applied in Uzbekistan?

    - By the time I entered the university, the educational process was almost over, the period of exams began. In France, students do not have enough time for the exam, and you will not be able to find a place if you do not come to the libraries earlier. This situation made me incredibly happy. Every student, master or doctoral student, even teachers work directly in the library itself, working with literature. Naturally, in university libraries you can meet professors, doctors of sciences, who conduct classes among students. In France, students are given independent assignments more often than classroom lessons, they spend most of their time working on themselves. It is very good.

    -To what extent is the question of French folklore and modern literature in France today? What work has been done in this regard?

    -In oral folk art, I have not seen such works as ours, but medieval literature is very rich. In the Parisian library, I found the originals of almost every unique literature. I think that acquaintance with dissertations written in France by European experts on Uzbek folk traditions, Samarkand, Bukhara should give each of our compatriots a sense of pride. The author of one of these dissertations, Professor of the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Development of Inalco - France, Katerina Pujol defended her thesis on the topic "Uzbekistan at the crossroads." When I was in France, I spoke with Catherine Pujol. With this person, we exchanged proposals on organizing remote classes on the history and culture of the peoples of Central Asia for university students on a contractual basis between INALKO and SamSU.

    -Your plans for the future

    -I have many plans. I also think in the future to get a PhD in France. I also received suggestions from some professors on this issue. First of all, I can think about it after defending my doctoral dissertation. I intend to write a monograph in French on Uzbek ethno-cultural lexemes related to my dissertation and publish it in Europe.

    - What advice and recommendations would you give to scientists who want to continue their research abroad?

    -First of all, it is necessary to master the subject of specialty well. In this case, of course, it is necessary to perfectly learn a foreign language. It is now perfectly true that foreign language certificates are required when applying for a master's degree. Because a researcher who does not speak a foreign language cannot enter the international arena. There are several grants that allow you to conduct research abroad for a person who knows a foreign language. They can freely get the opportunity to study abroad by submitting their documents via the Internet.

    - What conclusions did you come to by observing the learning processes and the education system at the Sorbonne? Which of them, in your opinion, can be applied in Uzbekistan?

    - By the time I entered the university, the educational process was almost over, the period of exams began. In France, students do not have enough time for the exam, and you will not be able to find a place if you do not come to the libraries earlier. This situation made me incredibly happy. Every student, master or doctoral student, even teachers work directly in the library itself, working with literature. Naturally, in university libraries you can meet professors, doctors of sciences, who conduct classes among students. In France, students are given independent assignments more often than classroom lessons, they spend most of their time working on themselves. It is very good.

    -To what extent is the question of French folklore and modern literature in France today? What work has been done in this regard?

    -In oral folk art, I have not seen such works as ours, but medieval literature is very rich. In the Parisian library, I found the originals of almost every unique literature. I think that acquaintance with dissertations written in France by European experts on Uzbek folk traditions, Samarkand, Bukhara should give each of our compatriots a sense of pride. The author of one of these dissertations, Professor of the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Development of Inalco - France, Katerina Pujol defended her thesis on the topic "Uzbekistan at the crossroads." When I was in France, I spoke with Catherine Pujol. With this person, we exchanged proposals on organizing remote classes on the history and culture of the peoples of Central Asia for university students on a contractual basis between INALKO and SamSU.

    -Your plans for the future

    -I have many plans. I also think in the future to get a PhD in France. I also received suggestions from some professors on this issue. First of all, I can think about it after defending my doctoral dissertation. I intend to write a monograph in French on Uzbek ethno-cultural lexemes related to my dissertation and publish it in Europe.

    - What advice and recommendations would you give to scientists who want to continue their research abroad?

    -First of all, it is necessary to master the subject of specialty well. In this case, of course, it is necessary to perfectly learn a foreign language. It is now perfectly true that foreign language certificates are required when applying for a master's degree. Because a researcher who does not speak a foreign language cannot enter the international arena. There are several grants that allow you to conduct research abroad for a person who knows a foreign language. They can freely get the opportunity to study abroad by submitting their documents via the Internet.


Samarkand State University

Information Service Officer

Interviewed by Iroda Bekmurodova.