The head of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature of Samarkand State University, Professor Ibodulla Mirzoev masterfully translated the textbook "Theoretical Grammar of the French Language" (Part 1. Morphology) into Uzbek for students of the Faculty of Philology of the famous linguist, Professor V.G. Gak.

    This textbook highlights the main problems of the theoretical grammar of the French language and reveals in detail the nature of scientific discussions that have unfolded around controversial issues. At the same time, not only classical works on French philology were considered, but also the latest research in this area. The analysis of grammatical phenomena is based on a functional-content approach. Much attention is paid to the interaction of vocabulary and grammar, word combinations, transposition, the definition of primary and secondary functions of morphological form and syntactic devices, the theory of thought, the communicative and pragmatic aspects of the utterance, elements of text theory. Brief conclusions on the chapters in French and with French terminological alternatives can be used in preparation for seminars and in writing qualifying graduation theses.

    The textbook is intended for bachelors, masters, doctoral philologists, faculty and all researchers interested in the functional-semantic issues of linguistics.

Samarkand State University

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