What is a polymer, what is its importance in industry?

It is currently difficult to imagine various branches of the national economy without polymers. The largest industries are the production of plastic masses, various chemical artificial fibers, rubbers, rubbers, paints and varnishes, various types of adhesives, dielectric substances and other types of products based on polymers on a global scale. All this, in a word, is called polymeric materials or polymers. Their difference from ordinary substances is that they are synthetically produced and practically used by thousands of tons in large factories.
Master of the Faculty of Physics of Samarkand State University Nafosat Omonova conducts a scientific research on the topic "Research of the rheological properties of polymer solutions".
“Depending on the production, polymers are divided into natural, artificial and synthetic,” says researcher Nafosat Omonova. - Various celluloses, starches, lignin, pectin, various proteins, hormones, enzymes can be cited as an example of natural polymers. Artificial polymers include polymers from which, by processing natural polymers found in nature, polymeric materials are obtained - various cellulose ethers, processed products of most raw materials of the leather and fur industry (collagen, gelatin). Nowadays it is much more difficult to imagine life without synthetic polymers. Therefore, the production of synthetic polymers in the Republic of Uzbekistan is of great importance at the industrial level. With the commissioning of the Shurtan chemical complex, the need for them is growing day by day. That is why the study of their properties is given more importance than ever. In my scientific research, I try to contribute to this task by studying polymer solutions and their physical and chemical properties.
Samarkand State University
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