Proverbs can be called a symbol of life, an oral folk encyclopedia, a kind of artistic and historical phenomenon. They sharpen the intellect of people, make their speech clear and expressive, teach them to choose the right path in life, to solve life's riddles and problems correctly. Also, proverbs are very ancient as examples of the smallest verbal creativity, accumulating the worldview, cultural, everyday life, the treasury of the thinking of the people who became their Creator.

    The subject of proverbs created by mankind is vast and varied. Especially since ancient times, proverbs were famous for their poetry and didacticism, which are thematically so rich, so wide, so diverse that they contain everything: from the most complex problems of social life to the smallest customs of family life, from high moral standards to the smallest vices of people's character, from a philosophical worldview to the nature of the smallest creatures. I found my perception. In short, there is no such sphere of life of nature and society that would not be reflected in proverbs. Proverbs, in turn, serve us as the most necessary, time-tested reliable source in the field of pedagogy, that is, in the process of training and education. Of course, it would be expedient if we used them productively and appropriately on site.

    We often use folk proverbs to argue our opinion in the process of communication. This is what helps us to make our speech beautiful, attractive and persuasive. For example, there is an opinion about raising a child: “You do not educate your child, but, above all, educate yourself. No matter how much you teach your child not to do something wrong, if you do it yourself, your child will repeat the same thing as you. The child is a mirror."

    The study of proverbs, sayings and sayings, which are an integral part of the rich spiritual heritage of our people, reflecting in them the way of life of the people, human feelings has always been relevant. As we know, oral folk art includes epics, legends, proverbs and sayings. Of particular importance are proverbs, which are an example of oral folk art, reflecting the spiritual image, identity of the Uzbek nation. The study and teaching of proverbs instills in the spirituality of our youth respect for their nation, in the soul a sense of pride. Oral folk art can be considered one of the sources of expression of the way of life of our people. And proverbs are a great example of oral folk art. The study of proverbs helps a lot to cultivate respect for our language, a sense of pride in our values, instilling it in the minds of our youth. At the same time, the comparison of our proverbs with foreign proverbs makes their study also an excellent incentive to increase respect for other peoples and awareness of their worldview.

    As you know, education to a greater extent is given in the learning process. From the day they enter school, children develop a sense of craving for knowledge. The need for knowledge gradually arises in them, and through this the students begin to receive spiritual food. At the same time, the child develops such high feelings as aspiration for the future, daydreaming, thirst for work, purity in donations, love for the Motherland, self-sacrifice, national pride, courage, kindness, friendship, kindness. Of course, the role of folk proverbs in this process is invaluable. In particular, works in the genre of proverbs help to eliminate such vices in a child as rudeness, rudeness, deceit, laziness, inattention.

    A folk proverb as a paroemia unit, which has acquired a polished and classical form and content over the centuries, actively participating in speech, is a multifaceted phenomenon that fully reveals the interpretation and description of folk values, customs and traditions, history and culture, issues of education and upbringing , morality, mentality of the nation as a whole. The thematic range of proverbs created by oral folk art is wide and varied. Especially since ancient times, proverbs were famous for their poetry and didacticism, which are thematically so rich, so wide, so diverse that they contain everything: from the most complex problems of social life to the smallest customs of family life, from high moral standards to the smallest vices of people's character, from a philosophical worldview to the nature of the smallest creatures. I found my perception. In short, there is no such sphere of life of nature and society that would not be reflected in proverbs. Proverbs, in turn, serve us as the most necessary, time-tested reliable source in the field of pedagogy, that is, in the process of training and education. The proverbs are divided into more than seventy thematic groups in the collections. These include topics such as the culture of speech, manners of address, communication etiquette, listening, silence, voluptuousness, correct speech, sociability, homeland, profession, raising children, etc. Of course, it would be advisable if we used them productively and appropriate in place.


Sanobar Saidazimova

Samarkand State University

Master of the Faculty of Philology