The importance of the livestock industry in meeting the demand of the population for agricultural products is great. Animal husbandry is one of the main sectors of animal husbandry; this sector accounts for the bulk of dairy and meat products grown in the republic. 70% of the population's demand for meat products, 95-97% of the demand for dairy products is met by livestock. About half of the skins needed by the industry for the production of leather products are obtained from livestock products. Therefore, in the further development of this area, research based on deep scientific analysis is of great importance. Dilsora Nakhangova, Master of the Faculty of Biology, Samarkand State University, is conducting a scientific study on the topic “The impact of innovative improvement in the diet of cattle on some physiological and productive indicators.” Scientific adviser Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Bakriddin Zaripov.

    - One of the main tasks for the development of dairy cattle breeding and accelerated milk production is the full realization of the genetic potential of livestock through the organization of full-fledged feeding, - says researcher Dilsora Nakhangova, - for this, it is necessary to use innovative solutions to ensure energy value, vitamin and mineral saturation of diets.

    According to the United Nations Food Security and Agriculture Organization, by 2050 the world population will reach 9.7 billion people, which is one of the main and strategic tasks between states in ensuring food security by increasing food production by 80% through intensive transfer of agriculture to the globalization process.

    The purpose of our study is to study the impact of innovative nutritional improvement on some physiological parameters of Holstein cows and develop recommendations for improving their productivity. In order to innovatively improve the diet of cows, normalize the ratio of sugar to protein, change the structure of the diet, increase the protein and mineral saturation of the diet, we used artificial nitrogen-containing mineral food additives - urea and thiocalcium phosphate.

    It should be noted that the organization of full-fledged feeding of cows lies in the fact that knowledge of the composition of nutrients and other vital substances in feed is the basis of animal feeding. To do this, a zootechnical analysis is carried out in the feed and the content of crude protein, crude fat, clematis, nitrogenous extractives and dry substances belonging to the group of nutrients is determined. Feed testing should use specific methods of analysis for each nutrient. The most convenient and cheap type of feed for dairy cows when feeding them in stationary conditions is silage. The main essence of beet ensiling is to reduce the content of organic acids and the level of acidity of the ensiled mass as a result of the fermentation of carbohydrates of the ensiled grass. In winter, the main source of silage, which is the main nutrient in the feeding of ligament-fed cows, is corn.

    It is known that dairy cows consume silage with great appetite, and its amount in the diet can be up to 50% of the total nutritional value of the daily ration. Also, root crops such as beets, carrots, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke are a source of carbohydrates, the nutrients of which in the diet of dairy cows are easily absorbed by the body, are very well absorbed, have a positive effect on digestion processes, and also improve milk secretion.

According to the results of our research, in order to organize the full-fledged feeding of dairy cows, we would recommend replacing 2 kg of wheat straw with 4 kg of sugar beet in the diet, adding 60 g of urea and 100 g of food additives of tricalcium phosphate per cow per day. Thanks to this, when compiling an innovative feed ration, it is possible to achieve an increase in the milk productivity of cows, the yield of milk fat and protein during lactation, feed consumption per 1 kg of milk produced, clinical indicators of cows, and some morphological blood parameters.


Samarkand State University

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