Creative people reflect life, nature, the human heart and feelings in unique poems with the power of a living word. Naturally, each created work is like a building from the power of words. Until now, many works dedicated to the history of our old and mighty Samarkand have been created. Each of them has its own place in literature and history. Indeed, there is no more effective weapon than literature for awakening sleepy souls, inciting extinct feelings and ensuring the reflection of life's truths in the human mind.

    “The desire to write “Samarkandnom” was not just a whim,” says the author. - An epic about knowing the past, studying and teaching the life of our ancestors, their heritage and achievements, looking back at a thousand-year history, conclusions, ending indifference in our minds and filling the gap in the education of generations, this is a small act of kindness. Cruel wars, the thirst for knowledge, the hard and painful way of life of our ancestors have always been important for all of us. However, in such a difficult and difficult time, fortitude, loyalty to oneself, the desire for enlightenment, a sense of glorifying the principles of noble concepts, love for the Motherland and people are qualities worthy of becoming an example for modern youth. Our goal is to create for the younger generation and a wide readership a small bouquet of the glorious history of our country, ancient and modern monuments, the spiritual treasure of our great ancestors and universal events in their lives. A description of Samarkand, a glade of the earth, a native city in which our umbilical cord blood was shed, and the image of its new look is an expression of our boundless love for it. All information presented in the work was covered on the basis of sources. We hope that you will make an exception if there are other shortcomings or errors.

    It is not surprising that the past of our old Samarkand is revealed in the eyes of the reader through this saga, consisting of eighteen chapters. We believe that such a work created about ancient and modern Samarkand, its past and glorious frontiers, will be a worthy gift for the 31st anniversary of our independence.


Samarkand State University

Information service.

Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.