An online seminar on "Prospects for further development of scientific research activities on publication of research results and data analysis" was held in cooperation with the international relations and transformation departments of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov.

    More than 100 doctoral students, assistants and scientific researchers of Samarkand State University, as well as professors and teachers of foreign universities participated in the seminar.

    On the first day of the seminar, experts from foreign partner universities gave lectures on the development of research activities.

    Undoubtedly, one of the factors that serve to increase the international ranking of the university depends on the fact that our scientists publish their results in prestigious international academic journals. In this regard, it is very important to form skills and new knowledge of young scientists, researchers, professors and teachers in preparing scientific articles and finding suitable journals for them.

    During the seminar, foreign experts gave important insight and motivational advice on conducting scientific work, publishing results and analyzing data related to geological exploration, history, social and humanitarian fields.

Samarkand State University

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