A collective monograph entitled "Theoretical and practical issues of socio-economic development of the regional economy (on the example of Toylok district)" was published by professors and teachers of the Department of Industrial Economics of Samarkand State University...

    This collective monograph examines the state of the region's economy on the basis of the theoretical foundations for forecasting socio-economic development on the scale of the regional economy, as well as the results of a study conducted within the framework of the topic of determining development prospects until 2030 on the scale of the Toylok district of the Samarkand region, its industrial, agricultural, service , analyzed the state of the exhibition area, investment and foreign trade relations and identified points of development.

    Proposals and recommendations have been developed for the socio-economic development and forecasting of the Toylok district.

    The monograph is intended for students, masters, economists, teachers, doctoral students, company executives, entrepreneurs, as well as specialists dealing with the problem of forecasting.


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